“Cyprus and International Culture Night” attracted attention at EUL

The Social and Cultural Activities Center of European University of Lefke (EUL) organized various events as part of the “Orientation Days.”
As part of the orientation program, students showed great interest in the “Cyprus and International Culture Night,” held at the EUL Plaza area. During the Cyprus and International Culture Night, EUL students had the opportunity to experience not only Cypriot culture but also learn about different cultures from other countries. While Cypriot delicacies were served, the Yedidalga Folklore Association Team performed traditional Cypriot folk dances.
Throughout the evening, students had the opportunity to participate in games accompanied by cultural music. Additionally, to represent their own cultures, students gave presentations through a “Cultural Fashion Show,” “Dance,” and “Song” performances, adding color to the program.
In addition to the on-campus events, students were also taken on a Lefke tour where they had the opportunity to see numerous cultural riches firsthand and familiarize themselves with the surrounding area. As part of the tour, new students were introduced to the historical and cultural sites of the Lefke region. The students who visited the Lefke region had the chance to learn about its historical, natural, and cultural landmarks.