A meaningful project for street animals from EUL students

European University of Lefke (EUL) Dr. Fazıl Küçük Education Faculty English Language Teaching Department students implemented The “Happy Little Paws” project within the scope of “Community Service Applications Projects”.
Students wanted to contribute to stray animals in terms of nutrition.
European University of Lefke Dr. Fazıl Küçük Education Faculty English Language Teaching Department senior students Riza Şahin, Gamze İbiş and Zeynep Uçar carried out a community service project under the leadership of Lecturer Naziyet Mercan. Within the scope of the “Happy Little Paws” project, the students stated that they organized the project in order to raise awareness for the street animals around the EUL campus and Lefke, and to contribute to the nutrition of the street animals.
In the project, the students proceeded with the steps of feeding the animals by purchasing the food with the income obtained from the different wristbands they prepared and offered for sale in order to provide the necessary assistance to the stray animals.
For this meaningful project that lasted for 6 weeks, the students of European University of Lefke had the pleasure of helping and spending time with our animal friends.