TRNC Ministry of Health Revised COVID-19 Restrictions/Measures 11.05.2021
TRNC COUNCIL OF MINISTRY DECISIONS (starting June 14) Decisions taken by the Communicable Diseases Supreme Committee Convened under the Infectious Diseases Law 45/2018
For all days of the week, it is recommended to change it to “curfew between the hours of 00:00 and 05:00, except for meeting basic needs”.
Retail and merchandising services and all services/sectors not specified as closed between 08:30-20:00, restaurants, cafes, patisseries, buffets and taverns will be able to continue their services between 06:00-23:30. Markets will be open between 07:00-23:00.
Closed Places:
– Restaurants serving open buffet
Open Places:
• All institutions and organizations will provide services in normal working order within the framework of pandemic rules.
• Businesses will make arrangements so that the total of customers and employees is 1 person in a maximum of 5 m2. In order to maintain social distance, these businesses have to put the m2 area and the notice indicating how many people can be in the business at a time, including the employee, at the entrance of the business and marking the places accordingly. In addition, it is obligatory to apply hygiene and disinfection conditions both inside the workplace and at the entrance and exit, and it is the responsibility of the workplace to take and implement these measures.
• All transactions related to the supply chain will be carried out between 08:00-21:00.
Regarding Covid-19 tests:
All public and private institutions/organizations and sectors not mentioned in the decisions taken below will repeat their Antigen tests every 15 days at the designated centres • Open sectors, their unions, District Security Boards, municipalities and Police General Directorate will be inspected.
• Businesses will sign the commitment forums to be held and legal action will be taken against the relevant institution if the specified rules are not followed.
1. The non-island entry criteria will be as stated below. The country colours specified in the criteria will be updated every week.
The current table regarding the color codes of the countries will be applied by our committee as of the first Monday after its publication.
– Persons who have travelled to these countries in the last 14 days are prohibited from entering the country.
– TRNC citizens will be able to enter the country for the last 72 hours and with a negative PCR test result and 14 days of quarantine upon entering the island.
– Regardless of whether you are vaccinated, you will be able to enter the country with a negative PCR result for the last 72 hours and a 10-day quarantine condition before the trip
Pre-trip Negative PCR result for the last 72 hours.
Quarantine-free entry
Negative PCR result for the last 72 hours before the trip.
10 days quarantine
Negative PCR result in the last 72 hours before the trip Quarantine-free entry
Negative PCR result in the last 72 hours before the trip 7 Days Quarantine
No restrictions.
Negative PCR result for the last 72 hours before the trip. Quarantine-Free Login.
– Regardless of whether they are vaccinated, they will be able to enter the country with a negative PCR result for the last 72 hours and a 14-day quarantine condition before the trip.
• PCR / LAMP / ANTIGEN tests can be applied at all entrance gates. Those who will enter without quarantine in accordance with the above criteria will not be tested at the entrance gates.
• VACCINATED PERSON: Completed the vaccination program. From 14 days to 6 months after the last dose.
o COMIRNATY (Pfizer/Biontech): 2 DOSES
o VAXZEVRIA (Astrazeneca/Oxford): 2 DOSES o COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen / Johnson and Johnson: 1 DOSAGE o SPUNIK V: 2 DOSES o MODERNA: 2 DOSES • Person who has had the disease: Submitting a positive PCR test result between 30-180 days before travel.
• Children under the age of 18 will be able to enter the country according to the PCR test rules (children over 6 years old) according to the country category they came with their vaccinated parents.
• Passengers will be evaluated according to the country in the highest risk group among the countries they have set foot/ been in the last 14 days.
2. Border crossings within the island will be as stated below.
– Level 1 (Green): No tests, no restrictions
– Level 2 (Orange): Negative Antigen/PCR test every 7 days
– Level 3 (Red): Passes are restricted. Last 72 hours of PCR testing for passes for health reasons. Transfers due to work, education, residence Negative Antigen/PCR test every 7 days.
*Passengers will be evaluated according to the country in the highest risk group among the countries they have set foot/ been in in the last 14 days.
* In touristic tours to be organized from Southern Cyprus by bus to our country, unvaccinated tourists coming from the orange and yellow countries will be able to make a day pass, provided that they present the negative antigen tests performed in the last 24 hours or the negative PCR tests performed in the last 72 hours.
3. Persons who need to be quarantined according to the above criteria will be able to spend 10-14 days of quarantine at the specified residence addresses with their wristbands, provided they show their address in our country and download the “Stay Safe Application” before coming to the country. In order to pass the quarantine period, they will go to their committed residence addresses either alone or accompanied by a driver, or by public transport, taxi, touristic minibus permitted vehicles determined by the Ministry of Finance. People over the age of 65 and people who go abroad with the board for health reasons will be able to download the “Stay Safe Application” after they arrive in the country.
Children under the age of 12 will not be fitted with wristbands.
Persons who do not comply with the above-mentioned rules, do not show their address in our country and who want to come to our country will stay in central quarantine for 10-14 days, depending on the country they come from, at the designated central quarantine hotels.
It is recommended that people who do not comply with the home quarantine rules be sent to the central quarantine, pay the quarantine fees themselves, and penal action is initiated against them in accordance with the relevant legislation.
4. People who have contact with a Covid-19 positive person in our country requiring quarantine will be subject to quarantine for 10 days. At the end of 10 days, if the PCR test result from the contacts is negative, the isolation period will be terminated. Double vaccinated persons who have contact with a Covid-19 positive person requiring quarantine will be subject to quarantine for 7 days. The quarantine process with the wristband of the contacts will be determined by the contact team, depending on the conditions specified in Annex 3.
5. It is necessary to accept passengers with a maximum of 6 flights a day and a maximum of 200 people on each flight for the flights to be organized in our country, and a maximum of 2 flights a day and 150 people each (except for the soldiers) on each flight for the ships.
6. Provided that the wristband application is subject to charter flights, the hotels that will make a closed hotel tourism for 4 nights and 5 days are obliged to sign the prepared commitments. These hotels are neither for accommodation nor for restaurants, cafes, beaches etc. Customers from outside (local or tourist) will certainly not be accepted in order to use the areas. It is forbidden for TRNC citizens to come by charter flights (However, dual citizens can enter with their residence address in another country and submit it. If these people do not comply with the specified rules, they will be put into central quarantine). In this context, it was deemed appropriate to organize a maximum of 11 flights per week for indoor hotel tourism. Hotel staff will repeat PCR tests every 7 days. Hotel employees will be able to leave the hotel 2 days after the customers leave, after the PCR tests are negative. On the other hand, the suppliers will supply materials without any contact with the people in the hotel.
7. Hotels that want to engage in local tourism will sign the prepared undertakings and provide services within the framework of the specified rules. Persons working in hotels will repeat PCR tests every 7 days. Hotels that will make local tourism (including events such as beach, wedding-engagement organizations, etc.) cannot make closed hotel tourism with charter flights and cannot be used as quarantine hotels.
8. They will continue to serve with passengers at half the capacity of sea excursion boats. The personnel on the tour boat will repeat the PCR tests every 7 days. In addition, the commitment forms to be prepared will be signed and legal action will be taken against those who are found not to comply with the specified rules. Marinas will be open.
9. State and private schools can be opened within the scope of the plan to be made by the Ministry of National Education and Culture. Teachers and employees working in kindergartens (3,4,5 years old) and in the open education sector (including private classrooms, studies, private lessons, course activities and summer schools) will repeat the antigen tests every 7 days at the specified stations. Students over the age of 6 will repeat their antigen tests every 14 days. Higher Education Institutions can be opened within the scope of the plan to be made by the Ministry of National Education and Culture. Students coming from abroad will be able to enter according to the specified country entry criteria.
10. Persons working in special education centres will repeat PCR/antigen tests every 7 days.
11. Libraries will be able to continue their activities by observing social distance, mask, and hygiene rules.
12. It has been deemed appropriate for apprentice students to start their education in the workplace depending on the sectors opened. The rules applied in the specified sectors will also apply to apprentices.
13. It has been deemed appropriate to hold national/international exams to be held in our country within the scope of the conditions stated below.
– Persons and supervisors who will take the exam have negative PCR results in the last 72 hours or antigen test results in the last 48 hours,
– Keeping the doors and windows open all the time to ventilate the exam area,
– Persons entering the exam area should use their personal protective equipment during the exam,
– Arranging the tables in the exam area to comply with the social distance rules
– It has been deemed appropriate to do so, provided that disinfectant is placed at the entrance to the exam area.
14. Public transportation within and between districts will be possible in all our districts. Bus, minibus, taxi etc. Passengers will not be allowed with the drivers of the transport vehicles. In buses, minibuses and minibuses, passengers will be transported with a seating arrangement, leaving one back seat of the driver’s seat empty, and it will work with 50% capacity, one empty and one full.
All necessary hygiene conditions will be provided in taxis with T permit, and maximum 3 passengers will be able to transfer together with a maximum of 5 passengers in touristic minibuses.
During the journey, the windows will be open, air conditioning will not be used and everyone in the vehicle will wear a mask. Vehicles will be disinfected after each trip. In addition, a commitment form will be signed by the business owners in public transportation and taxi companies that perform public transportation. If it is determined that the rules specified in the commitment forms are not followed, criminal action will be taken against them in accordance with the relevant legislation.
15. Truck drivers entering the country for the purpose of shipping goods from our ports will submit the PCR tests they have had within the last 72 hours. If the test times of the truck drivers exceed the last 72 hours, they will be able to enter provided that the antigen tests to be carried out at the ports of entry are negative. In addition, the undertakings to be prepared will be signed.
16. UN, EU, British Bases Area, Buffer Zone, Missing Persons and Peace Corps staff will be able to enter without quarantine, provided that they present negative PCR/antigen test results made within the last 7 days.
17. It has been deemed appropriate for people residing in Beyarmudu to make a daily transit without quarantine in order to carry out livestock and agricultural activities in the Buffer Zone and Bases Zone.
18. Barbers, hairdressers, beauty salons and tattoo studios/salons will continue to work between 07:00 and 20:00. Persons working in these sectors will repeat their antigen tests every 7 days. In addition, the prepared commitment forms will be signed and businesses that do not comply with the specified rules will be closed.
19. On the other hand, maximum one-third of the outdoor and indoor areas of restaurants, patisseries, cafes, and taverns will continue to be used. Persons working in these sectors will repeat their PCR/antigen tests every 7 days. There will be live music in the open areas of restaurants, patisseries, cafes and taverns. Musicians performing live music will repeat their PCR tests every 7 days. In addition, a commitment form will be signed by these sectors and if it is determined that the specified rules are not followed, the sectors may be closed. Bars and Clubs, on the other hand, will be able to continue their activities provided that maximum one third of their outdoor and indoor areas are used. Persons working in these sectors will have antigen tests done every 7 days. In addition, these sectors will have to sign a commitment form and if it is determined that the specified rules are not followed, the sectors may be closed.
20. A maximum of one third of the outdoor and indoor areas of coffee houses, coffee houses, cafeterias and locales will be used. Persons working in these sectors will repeat their antigen tests every 7 days. In addition, these sectors will have to sign a commitment form and if it is determined that the specified rules are not followed, the sectors may be closed.
21. Persons working in markets, retail and merchandising services will repeat PCR or antigen tests every 14 days.
22. Workers’ yachting houses should be social distance and well-ventilated places within the scope of pandemic rules. Maximum attention will be paid to social distance and hygiene rules in common areas. Persons staying in the workers’ yacht houses will repeat the PCR tests every 7 days.
23. Persons who will enter our country due to IVF treatment will be treated according to the entry criteria specified in Article 1 and Article 2. Persons who are scheduled to go to IVF Centres from quarantine hotels for treatment will be taken from the quarantine hotel for 3-4 hours with the negative PCR performed within the last 72 hours or the antigen test results performed in the last 24 hours, and will be returned to the quarantine hotel after the treatment. The responsibility of the person taken from the quarantine hotel will belong entirely to the IVF Centre Responsible Manager. The commitment form prepared for each person who will be taken from the quarantine hotels and taken to the IVF center will be signed by the Responsible Manager and these forms will be submitted to the Ministry of Health Coordination Committee when applying for a treatment permit.
24. It has been deemed appropriate for professional artists to perform their theatre/concert/exhibition works/rehearsals in accordance with the hygiene rule. Performances will be held with a maximum of one third of the halls occupied. Social distance, mask rule will be followed on the left. Everyone who will take part in the hall must have negative PCR tests done within the last 72 hours. Commitment forms to be prepared for these sectors will be signed. One third of the closed areas will be usable.
25. Museums will be able to start their services by paying maximum attention to social distance, mask and hygiene rules. In order to protect the social distance, they will put the m2 area of the museums and the plate indicating how many people can be in the museum at a time, including the employee. Depending on the number of people determined, visitors can be accepted inside.
26. It has been deemed appropriate to start the lessons, provided that the music/ballet instructors give one-on-one lessons. Instructors will repeat PCR tests every 7 days. Only individual lessons will be held. There will be no ballet, dance, and music activities to be held together.
27. It has been deemed appropriate to perform folk dances in open areas, provided that masks and hygiene rules are followed.
28. Only one third of the movie theatres will be used, and there will be no eating or drinking in the theatres. Persons working in these sectors will repeat their PCR tests every 7 days. In addition, undertakings will be signed by these sectors and if it is determined that the specified rules are not followed, the sectors will be closed.
29. Within the scope of social distance rules (athletics, horse riding, archery, tennis, golf, triathlon, cycling, outdoor swimming, sailing, sports events for everyone (bocce and oriantric)), shooting, hunting (sports events), air sports, motor and car races) were deemed appropriate.
30. It has been deemed appropriate to conduct team sports training and competitions with spectators in indoor and outdoor areas. Athletes and technical team participating in the training will repeat their weekly PCR tests. Commitments to be prepared with the relevant federations will be signed.
31. In the swimming pools, trainings, competitions of the performance swimmers of sports clubs and licensed swimmers and activities of disabled individuals for rehabilitation purposes will be possible. Persons working in swimming pools will repeat their PCR tests every 7 days. It has been deemed appropriate to operate the swimming pools in the open area within the scope of the rules specified in Annex-1.
32. It has been deemed appropriate that the training of boxing, wrestling, and close combat sports should be done in open areas or in well-ventilated environments, if possible.
33. Persons and technical team who will participate in sports competitions must have the PCR test done within the last 72 hours. In competitions to be held in open areas, spectators will be accepted within the scope of social distance rules, and in competitions to be held indoors, spectators will be taken by observing the social distance rule and using a maximum of one third of the area.
34. Indoor sports halls (fitness, individual) will be able to continue their activities within the framework of the conditions specified in the contract. These halls will be able to start serving from 06:00. Dance schools, music and similar school and course activities will be able to serve within the framework of the pandemic rules. Persons working in these sectors will repeat their PCR tests every 7 days.
35. It was deemed appropriate to organize youth camps at half capacity, observing social distance, mask, and hygiene rules.
36. It was deemed appropriate for the beaches to work within the scope of the rules specified in Annex-2.
37. It has been decided that the funeral ceremonies will be held by observing the mask and social distance rule.
38. It is appropriate not to hold actions, rallies and ceremonies in closed areas, and to hold actions, rallies, and ceremonies in open areas by following the social distance rule.
39. Collective worship will be held by following the rules of social distance, mask, and hygiene and using maximum one third of the closed areas to be worshiped.
40. It has been decided to hold engagement, wedding, wedding and circumcision ceremonies within the framework of the rules specified in the undertaking to be prepared. A maximum of one third of the enclosed spaces will be used. The undertaking to be prepared will be signed.
41. Amusement park, festival area, bingo etc. It was deemed appropriate for the events to be held in open areas by observing the social distance rules.
42. Indoor children’s playgrounds and indoor playgrounds will be able to continue their activities provided that they sign the contract to be prepared and the employees perform a PCR test once a week.
43. Bet offices will be able to continue their activities within the framework of the conditions specified in the written undertaking. One third of the closed areas of the offices will be able to be operated. There will be no food service at Bet offices. Persons working in these sectors will repeat their PCR/antigen tests every 7 days. In addition, a commitment form will be signed by these sectors and if it is determined that the specified rules are not followed, the sectors will be closed.
44. Persons entering the internet cafes will be registered and they will be able to use the computers for a maximum of 2 hours. Persons working in these sectors will repeat their PCR/antigen tests every 7 days. In addition, undertakings will be signed by these sectors and if it is determined that the specified rules are not followed, the sectors will be closed.
45. The sectors will be able to continue their activities, provided the people who will work in nightclubs stay in quarantine for 14 days upon entering the country.
Rules to be followed in swimming pools in open areas:
• The chlorine level and pH of the pool water should comply with the levels specified in the Regulation on the Health Principles to which Swimming Pools are Subject, and should be measured and recorded periodically. It is recommended that pools be chlorinated at the highest possible value.
• Studies should be carried out to keep the chlorine level at an appropriate value during high temperature hours when the chlorine level is likely to drop.
• Those that have symptoms such as cough, runny nose, shortness of breath at the entrance to the pool area cannot use the pool.
• A personnel responsible for the operation of the pools is determined.
• The capacity of the pool areas is determined as one person per 5 square meters.
• Social distance in the pool area is 1.5 meters. The distance between the lounge chairs and the sun loungers should also be at least 1.5 meters.
• In order to prevent overcapacity crowding in these areas, pool capacity information is posted at the entrance of the area. A simple stimulus/blocker is placed to prevent entry.
• Persons must wear masks at the facility entrances. Facility employees will wear masks at all times.
• It is obligatory for each guest to provide hand hygiene at the entrance of the pool. Hand antiseptic is available at the entrance of the pool and in appropriate places.
• Social distancing rules are followed. Members of the same family can coexist.
• Users take a shower and disinfect their hands and feet before entering the swimming pool.
• Do not stay in the pools for a long time, as it will increase the risk of contact with COVID-19.
• Fabric cushions are not used on the sun loungers. In case of using washable/wipeable cushions, they are cleaned after guest use ends.
• Social distancing is observed in the use of changing cabins. Cabinets are cleaned after each use.
• People should be encouraged to bring/use their own beach towels. For those who do not bring it with them, it is ensured that the towels are given to the guest with bags or by a staff member. Textile products are washed at least 60 degrees.
• When the plastic and steel surfaces in these areas are touched, the face, eyes, mouth, and nose are not touched. When touched, hands are washed with soap and water or a hand antiseptic is used.
• The disinfection and microbiological quality tests of the pools are carried out regularly in accordance with the legislation.
• Collective activity, exercise, diving lessons, etc. in the pools, applications are not made.
• Materials such as sea goggles, snorkels and fins are not shared. Beverage cabinets and seating groups are frequently cleaned and disinfected. In addition to these, hand sanitizers are available in an easily accessible manner.
• In case of providing cafe and restaurant services, it operates in accordance with the rules previously determined regarding these sectors.
• Since it will be difficult for children to maintain social distance, these areas are used under parental supervision.
• General cleaning of these areas is done regularly with water and detergent every day. No dusting sweeping or high pressure water or chemical spraying.
• The entrance doors to the toilet areas should be turned into an automatic door system. If this is not possible, the handles of the entrance doors to the toilet area are disinfected very often.
• Floors of toilets, toilets, urinals, sinks, taps and taps, door handles are frequently cleaned and disinfected.
• Posters about hand hygiene and hand washing are hung at the toilet entrances.
• Cleaning hours of toilets and sinks are recorded and visibly posted.
• Liquid soap, toilet paper and paper towels are always available in the toilets. Air hand dryers are not used.
Rules to be followed on the beaches:
• Persons must wear masks at the entrance to the beach and swimming areas. Facility employees will wear masks at all times.
• At least one personnel responsible for the whole operation is constantly present at the beach and swimming area.
• It is obligatory for each guest to provide hand hygiene at the entrance to the beach. Hand sanitizer is available at the entrance of the beach and in appropriate places.
• Persons with symptoms such as cough, runny nose, shortness of breath and case contact personnel cannot be employed. Guests showing these signs cannot use the beach and swimming areas.
• Measures are taken so that the social distance between people at the beach and swimming area is at least 1.5 meters.
• The distance between the sun loungers is set at least 1.5 meters. The distance between the canopies is arranged in accordance with the distance between the sun loungers.
• The capacity of the beach and swimming areas is determined as one person per 5 square meters.
• Arrangements are made in the lodges in accordance with the social distance rules. In the lodge areas, the capacity is determined as one person per 2 square meters.
• Social distancing rules are followed. Guests staying in the same room in the same family or hotels can coexist.
• Capacity is determined according to social distance and size in order to prevent crowding in the beach area. Capacity information is posted at the beach entrance. Precautions are taken to prevent more guests from using the space.
• Fabric cushions are not used on the sun loungers. In case of using washable/wipeable cushions, they are cleaned after guest use ends.
• Social distancing is observed in the use of changing cabins. Cabinets are cleaned after each use.
• People should be encouraged to bring/use their own beach towels. For those who do not bring it with them, it is ensured that the towels are given to the guest with bags or by a staff member. Textile products are washed at least 60 degrees.
• Beverage cabinets and seating groups are frequently cleaned and disinfected. In addition to these, hand sanitizers are available in an easily accessible manner.
• In case of providing cafe and restaurant services, it operates in accordance with the rules previously determined regarding these sectors.
• No group activities. Water sports activities can be done individually or in the family with spouses and children. Those staying in the same room can do sports together, provided that the reservation and follow-up are made through the room number in the hotels.
• After the use of sports equipment and tools, all kinds of materials and equipment should be cleaned with water and detergent, and frequently touched surfaces should be disinfected.
• Parasailing etc. Half of the boat capacity is taken, including those working in individual water sports events.
• It is ensured that the tube, balance vest, life jacket and similar equipment used in underwater and surface sports activities for tourism purposes are used by only one person during the activity and disinfected after use.
• Entrance doors to toilet areas should be turned into automatic door system. If this is not possible, the handles of the entrance doors to the toilet area are disinfected very often.
• Floors of toilets, toilets, urinals, sinks, taps and taps, door handles are frequently cleaned and disinfected.
• Posters about hand hygiene and hand washing are hung at the toilet entrances.
• Cleaning hours of toilets and sinks are recorded and visibly posted.
• Liquid soap, toilet paper and paper towels are always available in the toilets. Air hand dryers are not used.
Contact Home Quarantine Criteria
1. In order to implement home quarantine, it is obligatory to have a separate room, toilet and bathroom belonging to the person in such a way that there is no contact with other individuals in the house (residence, dormitory, lodging, etc.). Otherwise, other non-contact individuals must stay in another residence.
In cases where these conditions are not met, the contact person is put into hotel quarantine.
2. If there is an individual living at home > 65 years old and/or with risk factors that may cause severe COVID-19, quarantine is not allowed in the same house.
3. Persons living in public areas (housing, dormitory, military unit, etc.) and compulsorily using common areas cannot be included in the scope of home quarantine. Home quarantine is applied in institutions that can fulfil the conditions in Article 1.
In cases where these conditions are not met, the contact person is put into hotel quarantine.
4. If there is more than one contact person living in the same house, home quarantine is applied in houses that meet the conditions in Article 1. If home conditions do not comply with Article 1, if individuals have the opportunity to stay in a separate house, home quarantine is applied.
In cases where these conditions are not met, the contact person is put into hotel quarantine.
5. If the contact person is under the age of 18, accompanied by a parent and can fulfil the conditions in Article 1, home quarantine is applied. If home conditions do not comply with Article 1, if individuals have the opportunity to stay in a separate house, home quarantine is applied.
In cases where both of these conditions are not met, the contact person is placed in hotel quarantine with a parent.
6. Home quarantine is applied in the presence of a contact dependent on someone else’s care.
The person who will provide his care tries to meet the conditions in the 1st article. The caregiver must also comply with home quarantine rules. He cannot accept visitors to his residence.
7. Hotel quarantine is also applied to people who do not wear wristbands or who cannot wear wristbands for any reason.
Quarantine at home is when the contacts live without leaving the house and without contacting other people in the house. Home quarantine begins when the first PCR test result after the last contact date of the contact is negative. It is terminated when the PCR test performed on the 10th day after the last contact date is negative. The day after the last contact date is considered the first day.
** An important reason for quarantine is that you may be infected even though you show no signs of illness.
When a person has the virus without knowing they are sick or feeling any symptoms, they can transmit the disease to others. Quarantine helps prevent the spread of the disease.
Things to watch out for in quarantine at home:
1. The quarantine covers 10 days after the last contact date. Home quarantine is 7 days for people who are double vaccinated and have passed 14 days after the second dose of vaccination.
2. Absolutely no visitors are allowed to the house. Family members do not enter the room where the contact person is.
3. To increase air circulation, the room is ventilated by opening the window for at least 15 minutes.
4. Plates, spoons, forks, etc. to be used by the contact person. Materials should be disposable if possible. If it is not possible, it should be washed in the dishwasher or using gloves at high temperatures.
5. Textile products such as clothes, towels, and sheets used by the person in contact are washed with detergent at 60-90°C.
6. If the contact person has a positive COVID-19 test, the areas where the person is located are disinfected. Disinfection is done with 1% diluted bleach (1 small tea glass of bleach is put into 10 liters of water).
7. The contact person should call 1102 and inform when he/she feels any symptoms (fever, cough, weakness, headache, etc.).