Agricultural Education 178th Anniversary was celebrated at EUL

Agriculture Day: The 178th anniversary of Agricultural Education was celebrated at the European University of Lefke (EUL) in cooperation with the EUL Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technologies and the Cyprus Turkish Chamber of Agricultural Engineers (KTZMO).
Minister of National Education Nazım Çavuşoğlu, Minister of Agriculture and Natural Resources Hüseyin Çavuş, EUL Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Yükselen, KTZMO President Erkut Uluçam, sector representatives, producers, and students attended the conference held at EUL Cinema Hall.
The opening speeches of the conference were made by KTZMO President Erkut Uluçam, Dean of Near East University Faculty of Agriculture Prof. Dr. Özge Özden, Dean of IUE Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technologies Prof. Dr. Mustafa Erayman, Dean of EUL Faculty of Agricultural Sciences Prof. Dr. Atilla Aşkın, Minister of Agriculture and Natural Resources Hüseyin Çavuş and Minister of National Education Nazım Çavuşoğlu.
Following the opening speeches, EUL Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technologies Dean Prof. Dr. Mehmet Atilla Aşkın made a presentation on “Under Cover Fruit Growing”. In his presentation, Aşkın gave brief information about the importance, advantages and benefits of Under Cover Fruit Growing, and then showed active and passive cover systems with examples from TRNC, Türkiye and various countries of the world and explained the suitable fruit species. At the end of his presentation, he pointed to a greenhouse heated by geothermal energy in Sandıklı district of Afyon province in Türkiye, where eighty tonnes of tomatoes are obtained from one decare, and an institution that produces vegetables equivalent to the product obtained from 390 decares of land outside from an area of 1 decare by making soilless agriculture under completely controlled conditions on the -5 floor of a shopping mall in Istanbul as the agriculture of the future.