“Career Day” was organised for EUL Tourism students

‘Concorde Hotel Career Day’ was held at the EUL Cinema Hall, organised by the European University of Lefke (EUL) School of Tourism and Hotel Management. Concorde Hotel TRNC Strategy and Planning Director Mehmet Mülayim attended the Career Day event organised by the Department of Tourism Management as a speaker.
The students, who have the opportunity to meet with sector representatives within the scope of the career days organised by the School of Tourism and Hotel Management during the year, have the opportunity to get information about many issues such as the benefits of internship as well as professional working conditions with managers from different hotels.
In the career day event, where the students of the School of Tourism and Hotel Management had the chance to learn about different departments of hotel businesses and connect with professionals, the students were also helped to learn more about job opportunities in the sector and the issues they were curious about the profession were also emphasised.
After the event, Head of Tourism Management Department Asst. Prof. Dr. Meltem Köksal thanked Mülayim, who answered the questions of the students, for the valuable information he provided and presented him a certificate.