‘Creative Drama Leadership’ education is given by EUL Faculty Member Kömleksiz

Member of European University of Lefke (EUL) Dr. Fazıl Küçük Education Faculty, Assist. Prof. Dr. Ferda Öztürk Kömleksiz, gave education on “Creative Drama Leadership” within the scope of the project executed by İstanbul Güngören District National Education Directorate and Ekoldrama Art House.
Kömleksiz gave information about the leadership of creative drama to the teachers affiliated to Istanbul Güngören District National Education Directorate within the scope of Education. Kömleksiz said, “In our age, education systems are undergoing a rapid change process. The information society we are in is in need of entrepreneurial individuals in the face of different events and situations, producing researchers, original inventions and ideas, critical thinking, self-confident, advanced decision-making and communication skills “.
Kömleksiz: Creative drama, is effective in the need for a student oriented learning approach
Kömleksiz, said that based on memorization, that is, education based on the storage of knowledge, has lost its validity because it cannot raise creative individuals. Kömleksiz said that the necessity of raising appropriate individuals for these changes forced education systems to find new approaches and methods, and today’s education approaches are at the forefront of multidimensional intelligence and constructive education approaches. With these approaches, Kömleksiz emphasized the importance of improving the mental, emotional and psychomotor skills of the learners and structuring the learners with a student-centered approach instead of developing the behaviors of the learners as a whole with a teacher-centered approach in the education process. “The creative drama that has been taking place in the education system in recent years and is becoming more and more widespread has become an effective space for the need for the educational approaches that the student has taken centered on,” Kömleksiz said.
Kömleksiz stated that creative drama is a process in which students (participants) learn by doing and living. Instead of sitting on their seats, Kömleksiz stressed that they were actively participating in the lesson, saying that the educational goals of creative drama, the content of the lesson were absorbed by the participants, transformed into inner life, expressed as an output through being assessed. Kömleksiz added that the “Creative Drama Instructor / Leadership Course Program” was a six-stage program designed to train individuals in this direction and added that it was implemented in order to promote creative drama, establish education-art relationship and acquire creative drama leadership skills.