“Depression” discussed in EUL

The significance of physical activity in overcoming depression
A panel on “Let’s Talk Depression: What is it? What is not? What can we do? ” was organized by European University of Lefke, (EUL) School of Health Sciences, School of Health and Health Services Vocational School.
Opening speeches were made by, the Dean of Faculty of Health Sciences Faculty of EUL Prof. Dr. Ruhi Selçuk Tabak and Head of Social Service Department Prof. Dr. Şengül Hablemitoğlu. Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Nursing, Retired Professor Dr. Gülşen Terakye, Psychiatrist Semih Dikkatli, Faculty Member of Psychology Department of EUL and Clinical Psychologist Assist. Prof. Dr. Çağay Dürü and the Head of the Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, EUL Assist. Prof. Dr. Gülbin Ergin participated as a speakers to the panel.
Depression was discussed through various presentations
In the presentation titled “The Laughing Depression” Terakye said, “Create your own messages, create your texts, set up your own communication network and start campaigns on World Health Organization World Health Day and with your peers, your friends and the community keep this issue at stake,” she added. Teryake said that depression is a problem of mental health that every person can sometimes feel self-distressed and unhappy, some of the events that lead to sadness, criticism, comparison, leaving work, losing love, being deceived or not succeeding, depressed state, .
In his presentation titled “Heartburn and Depression”, Teryake noted that people who are cautious about depression should first consider it as a disease. Cautiously, she emphasized that verbal communication with the social environment is an effective method of preventing depression and treating it, as stating that it is a prerequisite for patients to prepare themselves for support by talking.
Dürü, in his presentation entitled “Psychotherapy Approach at Depression”, Dürü explains the basic manifestations of depression; Such as feelings of unhappiness, hopelessness, feelings of emptiness, irrelevance, weight loss or loss, agitation or deceleration, low energy, worthlessness and guilt feelings, difficulty in thinking or focusing, death and suicidal thoughts, loss of function. “Therapeutic alliances should be established between the therapist and the patient,” Dürü said, explaining that psychotherapy is an effective method in the treatment of depression.
In her presentation titled “The Role of Physical Activity at the Beginning with Depression”, Ergin stated that the rate of depression in individuals with low levels of physical activity was higher than those with high physical activity. Ergin said, “In the treatment of depression, it has been found out that exercise training has resulted in a 67-74% improvement in symptoms”, Ergin also emphasized that moderate and severe exercise programs, which are performed most days of the week (at least 240 minutes per week) can prevent depression, through consulting a physiotherapist for the right exercise.
At the end of the event, the Head of EUL Social Services Department Prof. Dr. Sengül Hablemitoğlu presented a certificate of appreciation for the participants, in regards to their contributions.