EUL academician Demirdamar shared information about “Pharmacy Day”

EUL academician Demirdamar shared information about “Pharmacy Day”
Dean of the European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Pharmacy Prof. Dr. S. Rümeysa Demirdamar made a statement about May 14 ‘Pharmacy Day’.
“The first pharmacy school was opened in France in 1777”
Demirdamar stated that “The pharmacy profession, which started with people seeking healing from nature and plants, is as old as the history of humanity and up to 18 hundred years pharmacy and medicine have been learned by the method of master-apprentice relationship” Demirdamar stated that the first pharmacy school was opened in France in 1777.
Demirdamar “In the Ottoman Empire, in 1839, The pharmacy school started its education on May 14th with the opening of İspençiyari (Pharmacy Class) in the “Mekteb-i Tıbbiye-i Adliye-i Şahane” by Sultan Mahmut II. It was proposed and accepted in 1959 to celebrate May 14 as a pharmacy day ”.
“Pharmacy Day started to be celebrated in 1968”
In the continuation of Demirdamar’s statement, “May 14 has been celebrated since 1968 as the” Pharmacy Day “, where occupational issues are discussed in Turkey and the TRNC and problems are shared and discussed. Nowadays, with the pharmacy services becoming patient and treatment-oriented instead of being drug-oriented, the service provided by the pharmacy profession all over the world has changed, ” she said.
Emphasizing that she initiated the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable / Attainable, Realistic, Timely) Pharmacy pilot project with the Turkish Pharmacists Association’s ACPE Int division in 2014, Demirdamar said, “Especially in the pandemic struggle since March 2020” We celebrate the ‘Pharmacy Day’ of our pharmacist colleagues, who serve intensively as a primary healthcare institution, ”he said.