EUL Academicians discussed the Evaluation of Presentation Techniques in Distance Architectural Design Education

European University of Lefke (EUL) Architecture Faculty Academician, Head of Interior Architecture Department Asst. Prof. Dr. M. Selen Abbasoğlu Ermiyagil and Head of Architecture Department Asst. Prof. Dr. Cemaliye Sunalp Gürçınar’s work was presented in “Evaluation of Presentation Techniques in Distance Architectural Design Education” at the International Mediterranean Scientific Research Online Congress prepared in partnership with Near East University, Balıkesir University and İKSAD (Economic Development and Social Research Institute) III.
“The purpose of the paper is to evaluate the architectural presentations made in the traditional design process used in architectural education and the presentation techniques performed in the distance education process”
Ermiyagil shared the following information about the joint study with Gürçınar on “Evaluation of Presentation Techniques in Distance Architectural Design Education”; “The Covid-19 epidemic, which unexpectedly affected the whole world at the beginning of 2020, caused the rapid integration of technology into our education, business and social lives. With the effect of the epidemic process, computer hardware and software have started to be used intensively in almost every field of architectural education. The design education model, which has been going on for years within the framework of face-to-face master-apprentice relationship in design workshops, which is the most important lesson of the architectural education process, has changed rapidly in March 2020 due to Covid-19, which also affected the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. For this reason, computer hardware and software have been used intensively in the design and presentation processes. Accordingly, the aim of the paper is to evaluate the architectural presentations made in the traditional design process used in architectural education and the presentation techniques performed in the distance education process. For this purpose, the project presentations they prepared during the traditional education and distance education process in the second year architectural design I workshop of the European University of Lefke Architecture Department were evaluated.”
Finally, Ermiyagil said, “The differences in computer hardware and software used in architecture education in both processes and their effects on the development of students’ presentation skills were questioned through projects. In the research findings, the strengths and weaknesses of these two different presentation styles were revealed by the evaluation made on the project presentations prepared by the students with the traditional method and the distance education process.