EUL Physiosports group informed Binatlı Yılmaz Sports Club players

In sports activities, cooling exercises are as important as warm-up exercises
In the seminar which was organized by the 4th grade students of European University of Lefke Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation with the motto of “Behind Every Great Football Player, There is a Great Physiotherapist”, Binatlı Yılmaz Sports Club was visited and the U21 football team was informed about the role of physiotherapist in sports and prevention of sports injuries and improving performance.
In the seminar, EUL Physiosports group explained the basic tasks of physiotherapist to prevent injury and to return to sports after injury to the sportspeople and explained these tasks as increasing the physical fitness and aerobic capacity of athletes of all ages, arranging warm-up periods, preventing injuries and providing athlete-specific treatment and training programs after any injuries.
“Preventive Rehabilitation allows prevention of injury”
Students of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation pointed out that that with the improvement of aerobic capacity of athletes, the performance of the players increased with a decrease in disability and underlined the necessity of conducting an interdisciplinary study of people such as physiotherapist and trainer in sports clubs.
Stating that in the fatigue that occurs after competition and training, warm-up exercises are as important as cooling exercises, Physiosports group stated that pre-training warm-up exercises are very important in increasing tissue elasticity and blood circulation, preventing injuries and cramps. At the end of the seminar, Physiosports group stated that cooling exercises reduces fatigue by reducing lactic acid accumulation and made suggestions about proper shoe and floor, smoothness of heating and cooling periods, increasing aerobic capacity and endurance.