EUL Preschool Teaching Club hosted Cyprus Montessori Schools Coordinator Hatice Düzgün

In the event organized by the European University of Lefke Preschool Teaching Club, Cyprus Montessori Schools coordinator Hatice Düzgün gave information about Montessori Education to the students.
“Montessori materials were introduced to students at the event”
During the event, the philosophy of Montessori education, the role of the teacher in Montessori education, and the contributions of this education to preschool children were discussed. Hatice Düzgün, coordinator of Cyprus Montessori schools, presented examples of educational practices in the schools. Montessori materials that support the multifaceted development of children were introduced to the students.
The event was completed with a question-and-answer session. EUL Preschool Teaching Club president Tolga Gündüz noted that they were happy to host Hatice Düzgün, coordinator of Cyprus Montessori schools.