EUL School of Nursing Director Prof. Dr. Meral Demiralp celebrated World Nurses Day

European University of Lefke (EUL) School of Nursing Director Prof. Dr. Meral Demiralp made statements on the occasion of “World Nurses Day” on May 12.
Demiralp stated that May 12, the birthday of Florence Nightingale, who is considered the founder of modern nursing, is celebrated as “World Nurses Day” every year in all countries of the world due to the contributions of Florence Nightingale in making nursing a science- and research-based profession.
Demiralp stated that the International Council of Nurses declared the theme of 2023 “Nurses Our Future” due to the day and added: “Global health problems such as the COVID-19 pandemic and natural disasters once again revealed the importance of the nursing profession and the need for the profession. The ability of countries to care for and protect their most vulnerable citizens under extraordinary conditions depends largely on the competence of their nurse workforce and the preparedness of their health systems. In national nursing education and training, it is therefore important to identify and improve the capacity and capabilities of the nurse in disaster response in extraordinary circumstances.”
EUL continues to train well-equipped and competent nurses
In the speech, Demiralp added that EUL School of Nursing continues to train well-equipped and competent nurses with its academic staff, clinical practice laboratories and practice areas and sincerely congratulated its students and colleagues.