EUL students shared the needs and happiness of children with leukaemia

Within the scope of the Community Service course, final grade students of European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Education Department of Psychological Counselling and Guidance conducted the project titled “7 Ships for Lösev” in cooperation with Kemal Saraçoğlu Children with Leukaemia and the Cancer Fight Foundation. The project aimed to make children with leukaemia happy, to change the way the society looks at children with leukaemia, and to reveal the charity aspect of society.
The collected donation is donated to children in Oncology Centre of Nicosia Dr. Burhan Nalbantoğlu State Hospital
Within the scope of helping LÖSEV children, students of Psychological Counselling and Guidance Department offered products bought from the foundation and bookmarks made by them for sale in different stands in order to collect aid to LÖSEV children. The collected donation is donated to children in Oncology Centre of Nicosia Dr. Burhan Nalbantoğlu State Hospital.
EUL students gave various gifts to children of Lösev
Under the framework of the course titled Community Service instructed by EUL’s Academician Naziyet Mercan Bozok, EUL students have had a great time together by giving various gifts to the children of Lösev. Within the scope of the project titled “7 ships for Lösev” EUL students shared the needs and happiness of children with leukaemia.
A certificate of appreciation was presented to the students for their sensitive behaviour.