EUL was represented at the “3rd International Social Sciences Congress”

Chairperson of European University of Lefke (EUL) Dr. Fazıl Küçük Faculty of Education Department of Education Sciences Prof. Dr. Nergüz Bulut Serin represented European University of Lefke succesfully at the “3rd International Social Sciences Congress” (USBIK 2020) hosted by University of Kayseri.
The depression level of high school students was examined in the study
Serin presented her study titled “Analysis of High School Students’ Depression Levels (T.R.N.C sample)” which she prepared with Expert Psychological Consultant, Cemre Anlayışlı. Serin pointed out the aim of the study as finding out whether there is a significant difference between the depression levels of students studying in high schools in the district centre of Gazimagusa, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus according to gender, age, class level, academic achievement level, socio-economic level of the family, parent education level, and professions of parents.
Serin: According to the findings of the study, women’s depression levels are significantly higher than that of men.
Serin said that “The general screening model of the study was conducted with the appropriate sampling model. The population of this research is the high school 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grade students which are affiliated to the TRNC Ministry of National Education in the 2016-2017 academic year” and said that the sample of the study consists of 200 students and 85 of these students are women (42.5%) and 115 are men (57.5%). She went on to say that “Beck Depression Scale” (BDI) was used as a data collection tool with the personal information form developed by the researchers.
Serin said that “Looking at the findings of the study in general, women’s depression levels are significantly higher than men. On the other hand, when the averages that are obtained from the participants with the depression scale are analysed, the fact that the measured depression levels of both men and women are above 30 critical values is an indication that they are in severe depression. Significant differences were found between the depression levels of the participants and their academic success” and added that according to the academic achievements, it was observed that the participants whose academic achievements were very poor had significantly higher levels of depression compared to those who had good academic achievements and very good academic achievements.
Serin also emphasized that the measured depression levels of the participants differed significantly in terms of grade levels, and the students emphasized that they started high school 1st grade with low depression, but their depression levels increased gradually and increasing depression levels were observed in the transition from 2nd grade to 3rd grade. Finally, Serin stated that the level of depression, which reached a high point in the 2nd grade, decreased significantly.