“Face to Face Again” Student Projects Exhibition at EUL

European University of Lefke Faculty of Communication Sciences (EUL) held the first event of the 2021-2022 Academic Year. The interest of the students in the event, which took place in the Faculty Foyer under the name of “Face to Face Again”, was intense.
EUL Faculty of Communication Sciences organized an exhibition called “face to face again” and comprised of the works of its students during the online education period.
Consisting of a total of 84 designs and 70 video presentations, the exhibition brought together not only static but also moving visual designs with its audience. In this context, in the exhibition, the printed versions of the works such as posters, brochures, newspapers, magazines, books and catalogs designed by the Visual Communication Design Department students in their practical lessons were exhibited, as well as the video and motion graphic designs of the New Media and Communication Department students on computers.
Starting her speech at the opening of the exhibition by saying “I am very happy to be face to face again”, Dean of the Faculty of Communication Sciences Prof. Dr. Elif Asude Tunca stated that they wish this event to be the beginning, and stated that the exhibited works are from the Faculty of Communication Sciences in general, Visual Communication Design and New Media and Communication departments in particular; She emphasized that it included the studies the students carried out within the scope of online education in last semester which is the pandemic process, and was very difficult period.
Video messages sent by students who graduated from four departments of the Faculty of Communication Sciences were also published in the exhibition.
The “Again, face to face” exhibition can be visited for a week at the EUL Faculty of Communication Sciences Foyer.