Head of EUL Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Ergin made some statements on the occasion of “8 September World Physiotherapy Day”.

Profession of Physiotherapy is a Genuine and Autonomous Branch of Science
Head of European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gülbin Ergin made some statements on the occasion of “8 September World Physiotherapy Day” and said that profession of physiotherapy is a genuine and autonomous branch of science although it has a history of 100 years in the world and more 50 years in our country.
Ergin said that profession of physiotherapy provides vital health services such as the development, maintenance and adjustment of the maximum functional abilities of people throughout their lifetime. Ergin emphasized the necessity of physiotherapy and rehabilitation practices in all eras of life for sick, disabled and healthy people and listed the aims of these practices as; maintaining a healthy and productive life, shortening the duration of illness and achieving the most productive level in case of disability.
Physiotherapy and rehabilitation practices have an effective role in improving the health of people
Ergin said that, “Today, physiotherapy and rehabilitation practices have become a scientific discipline that plays an active role in improving the health of children including newborns and premature, adolescents, adults and the elderly, in parallel with improvements in science and technology” and added that physiotherapists conduct the work necessary to reach the highest possible level of independence for people who are in bad health after an illness or accident.
Listing the fields of neurological diseases, orthopedics and traumatological diseases, rheumatology, cardiovascular and respiratory system diseases, obstetric and urogynecologic conditions, sports injuries, hand injuries, neurosurgery, plastic surgery, general surgery as the fields that physiotherapists most frequently work with, Ergin emphasized that, with graduate and doctorate studies, students can choose to proceed academically and thus they have a large scale of working areas.
The need for physiotherapists is increasing day by day
Ergin said that, “Very important progress has been made in the physiotherapy profession in the 20th century parallel with the technological developments,” and added that the demand for the physiotherapy profession is increasing day by in relation with the changing needs of the society (increase in elderly population, diseases caused by obesity, immobility, etc.), increase in the quality of life expectancy, understanding of the importance of physiotherapy and rehabilitation in society. Ergin expressed that the EUL Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department has been continuing its education and training life for 6 years with its specialist academic staff, applied units (electrotherapy, hydrotherapy, neurology etc.) and emphasized that they are contributing to the profession of physiotherapy as university.
Ergin finally said that, “We would like to pay tribute to all of our colleagues who have contributed to the development of physiotherapy profession in the world and our country on the occasion of “8 September World Physiotherapy Day” as the European University of Lefke Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation and thank them for their efforts on the path of creation of a more active society”.