Lunch Event of Women Council of Lefke hosted by EUL

European University of Lefke (EUL) hosted a lunch event organized by Women Council of Lefke at the EUL Lounge which is the social complex of the university.
In the lunch event which attracted intense participation, Women Council of Lefke’s Board of Director’s and active member’s names were read and the members of the new management were introduced to the guests. Women Council of Lefke’s Board of Directors and active members: Chairperson: Nevin Fenman, Deputy Chairperson: Gültan Bayramoğlu, Secretary: Semran Üçdal, Treasurer: Şerif Özege, Active Memvers: Zehra Kamçı, Nafia Dayıoğlu, Ferhan Atalar, Gülsen Tekin, Hatice Oral, Ayşen Özrecberoğlu.
Chairperson of the Council, Nevin Fenman who made a speech in the event said that, “Dear guests, I would like to express my gratitude and respect to Emine Sömek, the founder of this association for 40 years who passed away,” and added that all the supporters and all the members work for the same purpose and carry out such activities to help even more.
Fenman also said that, I would like to thank Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Yükselen, Rector of European University of Lefke and his crew for supporting us in organizing such an event” and thanked the other members of the Board of Directors for their contributions on the event.
Guests who participated in the event expressed their thoughts and feelings as follows;
Şerif Özege: As the women’s council of Lefke, we gathered here today with our friends in order to help those in need. We liked the food served to us. I would like to thank EUL for hosting us.
Gültan Bayramoğlu: I would like to thank Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Yükselen, Rector of European University of Lefke for giving us the opportunity to spend this beautiful day at the social complex of the university. I would also like to thank the students of the EUL who helped us with self-compromise.
Nafiya Dayıoğlu Demirel: The aim of today’s event and our similar events is to help those in need such as students who would like to receive education but does not have the opportunity. Foods were really delicious. I would like to thank the University for offering us such opportunity.
Refika Ratip: I would like to thank Women Council of Lefke for this beautiful event. Everything is well-thought and they always work meticulously and they organize mindful events. It was an emotional day for me. I was very happy to be together with the memory and friends of my beloved mother who passed away. I would also like to congratulate the European University of Lefke for putting such nice complex into operation.