New Achievements from the EUL Gastronomy Students

Students of European University of Lefke (EUL) School of Tourism and Hotel Management Department of Gastronomy participated in the “4th International Gastronomy Tourism Congress” held in Izmir and won 3 golden and 3 silver medals.
Students deemed worhthy of 3 golden medals in the individual category
Giving information about the competition Academician of Gastronomy Department Zihni Türksel said that in the category where the students competed individually, EUL’s students won 3 golden medals with the following dishes; Hanife Karataş with the smoked fish in the fish category, Mustafa Uzun with the fillet steak glazed with red wine in the meat category, Nurettin Doğrar with the stuffed chiken with chesnut and spiniach in the chiken category .
Türksel also stated that in the category of “Best University” Hanife Karataş, Mustafa Uzun and Nurettin Doğrar competed as a team and received three silver medals with ranking 2nd with their menus which included stuffed quail as starter, lamb chop plate in artichoke heart bed as main dish and panna cotta as dessert.
Türksel: Medals we receive are honoring
Türksel stated that their participation in the competition organized by the Izmir Professional Chefs’ Association is a very good representation in order to increase the motivation of the students and to introduce the EUL and added that medals they received were honoring.
Türksel finally expressed his graditute to Rector of EUL Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Yükselen and Head of School of Tourism and Hotel Management Assist. Prof. Dr. Mehmedali Egemen for their continuos moral and material supports.