Support from EUL staff to a research on Women’s Health

European University of Lefke (EUL) gave support to the project initiated by Cyprus Women’s Health Research Initiative. The project aims to determine the health and disease distributions of women living in North Cyprus and their incidence.
Women staff of EUL participated in the research which is established with the aim of examining and mapping of gynecological diseases and they filled in the survey of the project in order to contribute the investigation of hereditary causes of the diseases.
With the research which has been established by Cyprus Women’s Health Research Initiative Association Oxford University Principal Investigator and Head of Cyprus Women’s Health Research Initiative Association Dr. Nilüfer Rahmioğlu Ramiz, gynecological diseases of women living in Cyprus will be examined and mapped. With the results that will come after the research, it will be possible to make healthier determinations about the diseases seen in women.
Ramiz stated that, with the project which targets 8 thousand women living in the T.R.N.C, first map of women’s health living in the T.R.N.C will be formed. Ramiz thanked the administration and rector of the EUL for their support and contribution and thanked all academic and administrative female staff who participated in the project to ensure that the research on women’s health resulted in healthy data and reached its aim. Ramiz also stated that, information about the project which is conducted by Cyprus Women’s Health Research Initiative Association and the survey can be reached from