“2nd Lefke City Symposium” which lasted for three days at EUL was completed

The last day of the “2nd Lefke City Symposium”, which was organized in collaboration with the European University of Lefke (EUL) and the Municipality of Lefke was completed. During the symposium sessions, scientific studies related to Lefke district were carried out.
In the last day sessions, “The Relationship between City and Environment” was discussed
The session titled “The Relationship between City and Environment” which began with the presentation of invited speaker Demet Irklı Eryıldız (İOÜ, Dean of STMF) titled “Ecological Planning and Building Construction” was moderated by Prof. Dr. Orhan Gemikonaklı. The following presentations were made during the session; Prof. Dr. Mukaddes Polay (EMU) “Urban Planning and Urban Identity: The Case of Lefke-Gemikonağı”; Assoc Prof. Dr. Nurdan Erdoğan (IDU) , Prof. Dr. Umit Erdem (EU) “Landscape Texture and Lefke within the Scope of Landscape Values”; Prof. Dr. Gülay Çetinkaya Çiftçioğlu “Contribution of Ecosystem Services to “Human’s‘ Holistic Health” Example of the Socio-Ecological Landscape of Lefke City”; Prof. Dr. Nursel Aşan Baydemir (KU) “Importance of Lefke District in Cyprus Bat Species Diversity”.
Invited Speaker Prof. Dr. Umit Erdem moderated the session, which started with the presentation titled “Toxic Metal Pollution in Lefke and Surroundings” by Prof. Dr. Umit Erdem. The following presentations were made in the session; Prof. Dr. Alper Çabuk (ETU), Balca Ağaçsapan (ETU), Talha Aksoy (ETU), Önder Demir (AU), Serhat Sarı (ETU) “Establishment of Infrastructure Systems Inventory in the Context of Geographical Information Systems Based Green Campus Applications: The Case of European University Campus of Lefke”; Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Gökçekuş, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Youssef Kassem (NEU) “Grid Integrated Wind-Solar Hybrid Home Energy Generation System for a Small-Scale District: A Case Study for Lefke Region”; Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Gökçekuş, Prof. Dr. Derin Orhon (NEU), Prof. Dr. Seval Sözen (İTU) “Wastewater Recovery for Irrigation Water and Groundwater Nutrition: Optimum Treatment Technology”; Prof. Dr. Serife Gündüz, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Askın Kiraz, Subhi Salman (NEU) “The Battle of the Environment After Copper Mining: Lefke and Other Countries”.