3rd Professional and Academic Development Workshops have been organised by EUL Psychology Department

European University of Lefke Faculty of Arts and Sciences organised 5 different workshops within the scope of “Professional and Academic Development Workshops – III” in order to contribute to the professional and academic development of psychology students and interested students from other departments.
In these workshops, various topics that could not be covered in sufficient detail in standard curriculum courses were discussed and it was aimed to provide students with more in-depth knowledge and experience on these issues.
In the first of the workshops held at EUL Cinema Hall, Asst. Prof. Dr. Umut Şah discussed “Critical Psychology” and provided information and discussion on critical issues in the field of psychology. In the second workshop, Asst. Prof. Dr. Doğa Eroğlu Şah discussed “Current Issues in Emerging and Young Adulthood” and interactively conveyed information and facts that will enable students to better understand individuals in this developmental period. Thirdly, a workshop on “Objective Personality Tests” was held by Prof. Dr. Zihniye Okray. In the fourth workshop held by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sultan Şehitoğlu Okumuşoğlu, the topic of “Being Solution Oriented in Psychotherapy” was discussed.
In the last workshop, lecturer Beliz Köroğlu conducted a workshop in line with the question “Do I Know How to Conduct Scientific Research?”.