The 3rd EUL Psychology Department Cinema Days was held
In the scope of “Department of Psychology Cinema Days-III” which was organised by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences of the European University of Lefke in the 2023-2024 Fall Semester, three different films related to the field of psychology were screened, and discussion sessions were held after each film, led by psychology department academicians who are experts in the field. It was aimed at providing psychology students and interested students from other departments with an in-depth perspective on the psychological phenomena discussed in the films.
“Three different films related to the field of psychology were screened”
First, the film “Tomboy” was screened and discussed under the guidance of Asst. Prof. Dr. Umut Şah. Secondly, the film “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” was screened and discussed by Prof. Dr. Zihniye Okray. Finally, the film “Up to the Bones” was screened and discussed under the direction of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sultan Şehitoğlu Okumuşoğlu.