A Memorable Night at the Karadağ Stadium

An Unforgettable Concert from Nil Karaibrahimgil
Nil Karaibrahimgil who is one of the most energetic singers of the Turkish Music met with her fans on 16 May under the framework of Spring Concerts organized by the European University of Lefke.
Karaibrahimgil spent hours with enthusiastic fans by singing her songs with the students at the 16 Ağustos Kurtuluş Stadium. Karaibrahimgil performed an unforgettable stage performance and colorful interpretation, and sang her songs for the fans on the giant stage where the light and sound system specially prepared for her.
Karaibrahimgil enthused everyone with her glorious energy
Nil Karaibrahimgil sang her popular songs including “Kanatlarım Var Ruhumda”, “Hadi İnşallah”, “Koşmayı Öğreticem”, “Rüzgar”, “Kek”, “Bütün Kızlar Toplandık”, “Pırlanta”, “Seviyorum Sevmiyorum”, “Resmen Aşığım”, “Peri”, “Organize İşler Bunlar”, “Ben Aptal Mıyım”, “Ben Buraya Çıplak Geldim”, “Burası İstanbul”, “Akbaba”, “XL”, “Bu Mudur” and gave an incredible concert with her glorious energy, dance and performance.
Karaibrahimgil enthused everyone in her concert which was held with intense participation. At the end of the incredible concert, Assist. Prof. Dr. Mehmedali Egemen, Advisor to the Rector presented a plaque which represents the Cyprus Culture to Karaibrahimgil.