A Research on the Science of Training by EUL

The Book of EUL Academician titled “Training Principles, Periodization and Form Trainings” published
The book of Director of European University of Lefke School of Physical Education and Sports Prof. Dr. Caner Açıkada titled “Science of Training: Training Principles, Periodization and Form Trainings” is published. Açıkada stated that in the book he tried to explain how the concepts of training is shaped according to “scientific” and “traditional” approaches in five chapters.
Açıkada stated that the book which is written in the direction of elite sports handles “Science of training and Coaching” under the discussion of “Is coaching a science or art?” with different approaches and theories in the first chapter and added that in the second chapter “Training Principles” are analyzed and seven principles are describes and analyzed for the adult athletes.
Pointing out that the concepts of “Periodization” and “Training Planning” are analyzed in the third chapter, Açıkada stated that, in the book he explains how the concepts of “Periodization” and “Training Planning” are shaped in team and individual sports, what are the effects of long term and short term preparation processes on the competition with “scientific” and “traditional” approaches.
Açıkada said that, in the fourth chapter he explains the concept of “Form Trainings” with reference to the conducted studies and added that the chapter also includes concepts of “the number of competitions increased compared to the past”, “long journeys and the biological structure of the affected people and the adaptation to the region”, “the long-term athlete development models”.
Açıkada stated that, the final chapter of his book handles the concept of “Perioding in Different Sports: Form Training Strategy” and added that this chapter is explained through the question of “how the long or short preparation period, in football, volleyball and athletics, affect performance during competition periods” with real life examples.
Açıkada said that, “The book tries to discuss advanced science of training for beginners and to explain the various concepts, principles and connections related to it,” and added that in the book, the concept of “Training and Harmony” is explained through the smallest permutation of “Training, fatigue, rest, supercompansion and form” concepts