Award to EUL Academician Demirdamar

European University of Lefke (EUL) Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy Prof. Dr. Rümeysa Demirdamar was deemed worthy of an award for her services in the field of Pharmacology.
Demirdamar, who has made invaluable contributions to the field of Pharmacology where he has served for more than 40 years, participated in the 31st Symposium on Intergenerational Scientific Interaction in Pharmacology Education (FEKBES) organized by the Turkish Pharmacology Association, held in Antalya between 03-05 March and received his award.
Demirdamar has made valuable contributions to the field of Pharmacology for over 40 years.
Demirdamar, who was presented with a “40th Year in Pharmacology” plaque at the 40th Anniversary Plaque Ceremony in Pharmacology held at the symposium, also chaired the session in which Erkan Maytalman’s thesis on “The effects of metomizole on hematopoietic pregenitor cells: suppression of in vitro hematopoiesis stimulation” was discussed.