Combating violence effectively is under the responsibility of all of us

European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Law Faculty Member Asst. Prof. Dr. Saniye Albaş gave information on the protection of the family and prevention of violence against women in Combating Violence Against Women.
Especially recently, after the violent events of the increasing need for more comprehensive legislation that inform the Law No. 6284 in Turkey Albas enacted this law; He stated that it regulates the procedures and principles regarding the protection of women, children, family members and people who are victims of unilateral stalking and measures to be taken to prevent violence against these people.
The basic principles to be followed within the scope of the law; The Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention of and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence, known as the Istanbul Convention, in particular, international agreements and other legal arrangements to which Turkey is party to the Constitution, on the basis of human rights in the provision of support and services to be provided to victims of violence, women sensitive to gender equality, according to the welfare state, fair, and effective monitoring expeditious procedures, implementing victims of violence and violence According to Albaş Law, the measures taken to prevent gender-based violence and protect women from gender-based violence cannot be interpreted as discrimination. He stated that domestic violence is divided into three as violence against women and violence and that today, many support and monitoring centers provide services within the scope of combating violence.
Albaş said, “After the year 2020 was under the influence of a pandemic like Covid-19 and we faced measures such as curfew in this process, it has been observed that femicide has increased even more. It is seen that especially protective and preventive measures are of vital importance for women, especially women, who are exposed to violence or are at risk of violence. The official authorities or women’s rights commissions of the bar associations in the city of residence should be informed about the situation. “Struggling against violence effectively is under the responsibility of all of us.”