Contribution to the Massage Championship from EUL academician Türkmen

European University of Lefke (EUL) School of Physical Education and Sports Faculty Member Asst. Prof. Dr. Suphi Türkmen participated in the 2nd International Massage Championship and represented EUL.
Türkmen, who participated in the championship held under the coordination of Antalya Akdeniz University as an invited jury member, shared his experiences in the field. The organisation was held with the participation of competitors from 11 different countries as well as the host Turkey.
Turkmen, who took part in the International Massage Championship workshop as a practitioner in sports massage, conducted various interviews on behalf of the university and conveyed information on the subject.
Türkmen, whose expertise is sports massage instructor, also conveyed information about sports injuries to the participants in the championship where he practised sports massage. Türkmen thanked the university administration for their contribution.