“Deliler” titled theatre play performed at EUL

“Deliler” titled theatre play organized by the European University of Lefke (EUL) Social and Cultural Activities Centre and Theatre Club was performed at EUL.
Theatre lovers had a great time with the performance of the cast
The play which attracted intense attraction was written by EUL student Turgut Özakman, directed by Gül Kollik and co-directed by Hasan Aydın. The cast of the play included; Bayram Alkan, Arif Temiz, Mustafa Yılmaz, Anıl Selçuk, Cansu Gül Tokgöz, Şerife Sultan Kırkpınar, Yağmur Akdağ, Zafer Taşdemir, Hakan Yetişen, Nilay Üstündağ, Zuhal Karaslan, Özlem Bayer, Burak Doğan, Fatih İlpars, Hasan Aydın, Halil Başün, Harun Yüksel, Hüseyin Parlak, Mert Tosun, Yunus Karafakılı, Zeynep Kahraman, Senanur Şanal and Mizgin Karakeçi.
Karafakılı: The play which was based on “How to differentiate who is reasonable and who is crazy” slogan attracted intense attention
Giving information about the theatre play which made theatre lovers had a great time with the performance of the cast, Head of EUL Theatre Club Yılmaz Karafakılı said that “We have staged a play we have been working on for months as the EUL Theater family, the club of the European University of Lefke that makes you smile. EUL Theater team prepared their dance choreographies in this big play where new members who joined us this period gained stage experience”. Pointing out that the play which was based on “How to differentiate who is reasonable and who is crazy” slogan attracted intense attention, Karafakılı said that at the end of the game, the song titled “if the mind is not working for the good, long live craziness” was sung by the audience and laughter did not diminish for a moment.
Karafakılı also said that “We would like to thank the Social and Cultural Activities Centre and the university departments for their help. As the theatre club, we continue to keep the joy of seeing EUL students again with different scenarios in the coming years.”
The director of the play Gül Kollik said that “I’m graduating this year. It was a pleasure to be the director of the play in such a successful and beautiful club. I will leave my university with good memories.”