Education seminars to local teachers by EUL

European University of Lefke (EUL) Dr. Fazıl Küçük Education Faculty and Primary School Department of Special Education Branch operating under TRNC Ministry of National Education, have cooperatively organized in-service educational seminars in order to provide a better education to their students.
Teachers from Lefke Istiklal Primary School, Yedidalga Elementary School, Erdal Abit Elementary School, Yesilyurt Primary School, Yesilyurt Special Education Center and Güneşköy 18 Years and Elder Rehabilitation Center for the Handicapped participated in seminars held at Children with Special Needs; Application, Research and Training Center (CSEC). At the seminars held every Friday for two and a half months, the teachers who attended regularly qualified for the certificate at the end of the program.
Within the scope of the program following speakers gave detailed information: the Head of Dr. Fazıl Küçük Education Faculty Mentally Handicapped Teaching Department Prof. Dr Süleyman Eripek “”Our Differently Developing Children-Why We Want Unified Education”, the Members of the Faculty; Assist. Prof. Dr. Oğuz Gürsel “Evaluation and Guidance”, Dr. Gül Kahveci “Instructional Arrangements for Differently Developing Children in the New Program”, Dr. Tamer Karakoç “Handling Behavioural Problems”, Prof. Dr. Gönül Kırcaali İftar “Behavioral Overview to Daily Life”, Dr. Ersin Ufuk Timuçin “Teacher as a Leader (Instructional Practices)” and The Head of Special Education Teaching Department Prof. Dr. Ayşegül Ataman “Integration”.
Certificates were presented by Ataman, Eripek and Kahveci at the ceremony organized, to the teachers who participated in the seminars full-time.