EUL Academician addressed the Adaptation Process of Children to the School
Teachers are the Most Important Factor affecting the School Adaptation Process
Academician of European University of Lefke (EUL) Dr. Fazıl Küçük Faculty of Education Department of Psychological Counselling and Guidance Assist. Prof. Dr. F. Sülen Şahin Kıralp gave parents recommendations on the adaptation process of children to the school.
Kıralp said that “Each child might exhibit different behaviour and emotions when it’s time to start the school. First of all, both families and teachers should be aware of this. Successful adaptation to school cannot be achieved without considering the developmental differences of children. Children may feel anxiety, excitement and fear because of a new environment, a new beginning. Parents can be particularly concerned about the safety of their children. What is important is what can be done to facilitate the adaptation of the child” and added that nowadays, schools are trying to facilitate this process with particular adaptation programs.
Pointing out that there might be many situations that might cause anxiety for a child that starts to school, Kıralp underlined the need to work with parents, teachers-school (principals and guidance teachers) and children in the process of adapting to the school, providing the child with a safe, acceptable atmosphere to deal with. Kıralp further said that the happier and more enthusiastic the child starts school, the easier the adaptation process will be and the positive attitude towards learning.
Kıralp discussed the phases of school adaptation process and shared important information;
- Which children fit more easily? Social adjustment and self-control of children starting school at the age of 3-4 is easier. There are studies showing that it is easier for the child who starts school early to adapt to an environment with rules. Children who engage in safe bonding with the mother or caregiver, who are raised in a healthy environment, whose autonomy and assertiveness are supported, adapt more easily.
- Which children would be difficult to adapt? Children who have an insecure bond with their parents, depend on the mother / caregiver, experience domestic unrest and violence, become more difficult to adapt. Therefore, the reason behind this difficulty should be investigated in students who have long adaptation problems. The support of the school counsellor should be sought.
- As a multidimensional process including the teacher and parent is very important in adapting to school. What do you ask the child to adapt to? In this process, the child is expected to adapt to the rules, functioning and social and cognitive tasks of the school. Studies show that the most important factor that affects children’s adaptation after school starts is the teacher. The positive and accepting atmosphere of the teacher facilitates the adaptation process. Students who want to get the approval of the teacher exhibits appropriate behaviour. The child, who receives positive feedback, believes that s/he is loved and starts to trust both himself and the environment. Especially when the school begins with goals that are suitable for the child’s capacity and are easy to reach, these feelings are supported. This makes it easier to adapt to the whole school. Teachers can support their students by taking into account the individual differences of children and revealing the aspects that they are successful.
- When the family dimension is examined, it is seen that the family has important roles. Family is the most reliable environment where we receive the first information. Leaving here is naturally a source of concern. Therefore, families are the most effective resource to motivate children. First of all, the child’s independence and autonomy efforts should be taken into consideration. Failure to allow excessive protection autonomy can have consequences. In addition, creating a supportive environment for the child will minimize adaptation problems. At this point, another important point is that the family should not reflect their anxiety in terms of school environment.
- Families should be aware that the provision of materials for the school does not mean preparation for school. Preparing the child for school is possible by supporting him socially and emotionally.