EUL Academician Günebak’s statements on Infant Nutrition

Günebak answered top 20 Questions of Mom’s
European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Heath Sciences Department of Nutrition and Dietetics Academician Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ç. Tuba Günebak gave detailed information to the mothers about infant nutrition.
How long should I breastfeed my baby?
Breastfeeding is the indispensable, nourishing food of every newborn baby. Breast Milk contains enough nutrients for the normal growth and development of the baby. Breastfeeding should begin when the birth of the baby and the baby should be fed only with breast milk for the first 6 months. Later, in addition to the breast milk, supplementary foods should be started slowly, in the right order, breastfeeding should be continued for two years.
Should I use my breast milk for my baby as main mail or should I use it occasionally after the 8th month?
Complementary foods are started after the 6th month. Since allergenic properties of the apple are very low and baby is used to the liquid nutrition (breast milk), feeding can be started with apple juice and gradually homemade yogurts and grape molasses can be started within the same month. The sixth and seventh months can be thought of as the process of familiarizing the baby to supplement nutrients. However, after 8 months, the number of complementary foods the baby acquires increases, and after that, the mother’s milk can be given at breaks. Because, in meeting the daily needs of a growing and moving baby, breast milk alone is inadequate. However, it should not be forgotten that the mother’s milk is a very good food and should not be wasted.
When should I feed my baby eggs?
Egg is the most bioavailable food after breast milk. It is rich in iron, zinc, phosphorus, A, K and B vitamins. It has been shown that egg protein can be converted to body proteins by 100%. However, in order to remove the risk of experiencing any allergenic reactions due to the some of the ingredients of egg white, the baby should be given the quarter of an egg at the end of the sixth month. This rate should then be gradually increased to; 1/3, ½, and in the 7th month the baby should be able to eat a full egg yolk. In the 8th month the baby can be given a whole egg. To protect against the risk of salmonella, the egg should be given to the baby as hard boiled, but it should not be boiled for more than 5 to 6 minutes in order to fully utilize the nutrients contained.
Should I give juice or the mash of a fruit to my baby?
The answer to the question “Should I give juice or the mash of a fruit to my baby?” is related with the month of the baby. Fruit juice can be given in the sixth and seventh months, while fruit mash can be given in the seventh and eighth months. After this month, I would recommend fruit mash because of the pectin it which has a positive effect of on the bowel function. When the juice is given to the baby, the pulp of the juice should not be discarded it can be mixed with the yoghurt of the baby.
Should I feed my baby with a plain yoghurt of should I mix it with fruits or molasses juice?
Homemade yogurt should be used for the nutrition of the baby. Preferably, yogurt should be given plainly, but if your baby refuses to consume plain yogurt, the taste can be changed with foods such as fruit, molasses.
Can I give lentil soup to my baby in the 6th month?
A 6 month baby’s digestive system is not suitable for lentil soup. For this reason, the lentil soup should be given to the baby the 8th month.
Can I prepare my babies food with cow’s milk?
Cow’s milk is a quality food in terms of both protein and micronutrients. However, in some studies it has been stated that cow milk consumption in the early months may lead to micro-bleeding in the gastrointestinal system. For this reason, consumption is not recommended before 9 to 12 months, although this can change according to the case.
What ingredients should I put in the vegetable soup?
The vegetable soup is a nutrition that can be used for infants from the 7th month. It is beneficial to have a variety of vegetables in the vegetable soup. Because every vegetable contains different quantities of phytochemicals (flavonoids and carotenoids).
Which species of which should be given to the baby in which month?
Fish is a high quality protein source. In addition, it is rich in terms of vitamins B including iron, zinc, phosphorus, vitamin A and vitamin B12. They are also rich in terms of omega-3 fatty acids. The fish with the highest content of omega-3 fatty acids are deep cold water fish. Sea bass in March, April, May and June, sardines in July, lupus in August, bonito and horse mackerel in September, Atlantic bonito, red sea bream, red mullet in October and November, lupus, bonito, horse mackerel and anchovy in December can be consumed. Fishes with eatable bones, such as anchovies, are quite rich in calcium. After the 7th month, baby can be fed with fish.
Should I use olive oil or butter in my baby’s soup?
It is more accurate to use olive oil in order to protect the baby against cardiovascular diseases that may occur in the future.
Should I use baby biscuits?
Studies have shown that a substance called acrylamide is used in the production of brittle foods such as biscuits. Because of the possible negative effects of acrylamide on human health, the baby biscuit should not be a preferred too often.
Can I put bread into the soup of 9 months old baby? Which kind of bread should be preferred?
The features of the digestive system of a nine-month-old baby are suitable for putting bread in the soup. Because of the hard structure of the bread crust, only inside of the bread should be used baby’s soup. Whole-grain bread is richer than vitamin B and plumps therefore it should be preferred.
If I feed my baby with vegetable soup in the noon, and the rice food in the evening, will it keep my baby full?
Rice can be preferred in the nutrition of the baby in the evening because of the carbohydrate content, the high quality of the protein, ease of digestion and in addition to these it’s saturating properties. The waking up range of the baby may also decrease as the baby who is full sleeps more.
Can we use salt in the soup of the baby?
Little salt can be used in nutrition of an infant after one year. Iodized salt should be preferred to protect against iodine deficiency diseases.
How much milk should I give when 13 months old baby wakes up?
How many milliliters of milk can be given when a baby wakes up at night is related to how many milliliters of milk they drink during the day. The amount of milk that can be given should determined by taking into consideration that 500 ml of cow milk per day can be given to a baby and considering the stomach capacity of the baby.
How often should I feed a 12 month old baby?
A baby at this month can be fed three to four times a day, depending on the nutritional quality, energy intensity, and amount of food consumed per day.
How can I understand if a portion is enough for the baby?
We should not compare the size of your child’s servings with ours. A small child can consume only one to four or five of the meal of an adult. However, putting too much food on the plate of your child and making pressure about finishing what’s on the plate can trigger inappetency. For this reason, the dishes should be presented in small portions and the child should be supplemented if desired.
What should I include in a breakfast of a 7 month old baby?
A seven month baby can consume yogurt, fruit juice, vegetable juice, vegetable mash or soup, molasses, rice flour, rice, egg yolks, meat and vegetable oils. Therefore, an infant baby can be fed with egg yolks, freshly squeezed juice, molasses, and little milk-soaked bread for the breakfast.
When will my baby eat the things we eat?
An eight-month-old baby can consume homemade and vegetable dishes well-crushed at home, while a baby of one year can consume all the dishes cooked at home.
How can I prevent my baby from choosing food?
The first way to prevent your baby from choosing food is to avoid choosing our food, and if we are going to choose we should not let the baby see it. After 8 months, each nutrient should be provided in small quantities in order to have a tasteful, nutrient-rich portfolio.