EUL Academician Per�inci: Attention should be paid to nutrition to prevent cancer

European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Health Sciences, Head of Nutrition and Dietetics Department Asst. Prof. Dr. Nazal Bardak Per�inci gave information on the subject of “Cancer and Nutrition”.
“Every disease is difficult and troublesome in itself. But there are some diseases for which we cannot take medicines or herbal products at will. When we face such a situation, we need to be more patient, stronger, and more selfless. Cancer is one of these, and even the most important one. Just as cancer is the uncontrolled growth of cells, the rate at which it spreads between people is unfortunately also growing. Today, 12 million people are diagnosed with cancer annually, and this rate is increasing rapidly. Although the solution is treatment with drugs, the effect of proper nutrition to prevent cancer is also a fact. So, what should be done to prevent cancer?” said Per�inci and made the following suggestions:
- Antioxidants are the number one anti-cancer agents. Because some carcinogenic substances can be released as a result of metabolism and damage cells. If the body gets enough antioxidants, it is easier to protect it from cancer. If you ask what these antioxidants are, vegetables and fruits will be our first answer. Especially tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, garlic are the leaders of this group. When cooking these vegetables, you can choose to cook them in steam, with a little water or in a pressure cooker.
- Another source of antioxidants is green tea. It contains catechin, which blocks cancer cells and prevents their formation.
� Whole grain products have a protective effect against cancer thanks to the fiber and antioxidants they contain. Therefore, they should be consumed once a week. - Soya… It is especially effective in controlling hormone-related cancers thanks to its phytoestrogens. If you add soy to your food consumption, you will provide both cancer protection and nutritional diversity.
- Many studies have been conducted on the effect of omega-3 in cancer prevention, and especially its effect on breast and prostate cancer has been emphasized. As a result, it has been observed that those who do not consume fish are 2-3 times more likely to develop prostate cancer than those who consume fish. You can also get omega-3 from walnuts and flaxseed.
- Since processed meats can have a negative impact on colon cancer in particular, it is necessary not to consume them, but if we cannot give them up, we should take care to consume them minimally.
- Daily water consumption of around 8�10 glasses is effective in strengthening the body’s defense system and removing wastes from the body more quickly.