EUL Digital Game Design student achieves international success

Melaniya Dmitriyenko, a student of the Digital Game Design program at the Faculty of Communication Sciences at European University of Lefke (EUL), designed roller coaster prototypes for amusement parks, which were acquired by Six Flags Entertainment, one of the world’s leading amusement park companies, and put into production.
Melaniya Dmitriyenko’s success, which was also featured in the Turkish edition of Le Monde Diplomatique, came as a result of her performance in the class of Faculty Lecturer Doğuş Bodamyalızade. She joined Bodamyalızade’s project and developed a roller coaster prototype for Six Flags, an international amusement park company. Melaniya Dmitriyenko created the designs using the Rhinoceros 8 program, and for rendering—processing features like texture, lighting, and color to achieve a realistic image—she used KeyShot and Lumion programs. The designs were sent to the company’s 3D printers using today’s technologies and were implemented by the company.
EUL Faculty of Communication Sciences Dean, Prof. Dr. Elif Asude Tunca, commented on the achievement, saying, “In our Digital Game Design program, as in all of our programs, we aim to train designers with international standards. Our student Melaniya’s success is a concrete manifestation of this goal.” Prof. Dr. Tunca emphasized that students who acquire the ability to design digital games have the opportunity to develop projects in the field with the skills they gain during their student years. She added, “Our same student also designed a perfume bottle for another international company. Undoubtedly, this performance is shaped not only by our student’s interest in the field but also by the knowledge she gained from the courses in our curriculum, which are updated in light of the changes in the digital world.”
Tunca emphasized that digital game designs should not be seen merely as an element of the gaming and entertainment world, stating that today, they are also an important tool for strategic thinking and problem-solving. Tunca concluded her remarks by saying, “Considering the political challenges our country faces, it is very meaningful that our student has taken her designs to an internationally appreciated and preferred level while continuing her education.”