EUL Faculty Member Yenal drew attention to the issue of being pregnant in the Covid-19 pandemic

European University of Lefke (EUL) Nursing Department, Nursing Department academic staff member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kerziban Yenal gave information on the subject of “Pregnancy in the Covid-19 Pandemic”.
“Pregnant women with chronic disease are in the high risk group for Covid-19 infection”
“The coronavirus pandemic, which has spread all over the world, has affected the lives of all people and has caused the pregnant women to increase their anxiety and cause many problems in their minds. Saying that some changes in the body during pregnancy may cause the immune system to be suppressed, making the pregnant woman susceptible to infection, ”said Yenal. However, she pointed out that there is no evidence that the risk of Covid-19 transmission during pregnancy is increased and that pregnant women with chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and asthma are in the high risk group for Covid-19 infection, as in non-pregnant individuals. Yenal said “For this reason, it is important for pregnant women with chronic diseases to carefully apply preventive measures from infection. In terms of infection symptoms, the same symptoms of infection such as fever, cough, sore throat, muscle pain, fatigue, respiratory distress are observed in pregnant and non-pregnant women. It should not be forgotten that there may be cases that do not show symptoms and they will be contagious, ”
“Researches show the possibility of Covid-19 infection transmission after birth, not in the womb.”
Yenal continued her explanation as follows: “Another important problem during pregnancy is the concerns that radiation-emitting procedures such as x-ray and tomography performed for examination in suspicious cases will harm the baby. If necessary, these examinations can be performed in pregnant women with or suspected Covid-19 infection. Another important issue that frightens the pregnant woman and her family is the risk of infecting her baby if the pregnant woman has a Covid-19 infection. Studies show the possibility of infection transmission after birth, not in the mother’s womb. Therefore, in the postnatal period, the mother should take isolation measures and breastfeed and care for the baby.
“Isolation should be given importance in order to be protected from infection during pandemic period. Staying at home unless necessary, avoiding crowded environments, not accepting guests to the house, wearing a mask when we go out of our house and meeting with someone outside of the house, paying attention to our hygiene, especially hand washing are the most important ways of protection. He stated that severe anxiety and stress would harm the pregnant women both physically and mentally as fear would increase her anxiety, and it would be beneficial for the pregnant women to find activities for themselves at home.
“During the pandemic period, regular and balanced nutrition is important for strengthening immunity and for a healthy pregnancy to progress.”
“One of the beneficial activities for pregnant women can be walking. Walking should be done in safe environments, away from crowds, outdoors. Walking contributes to the physical and emotional health of the pregnant woman. Staying at home for a long time may cause pregnant women to gain excessive weight, difficult delivery, and increase in problems such as gestational diabetes and gestational hypertension. If there is no safe walking environment during the pandemic period, pregnant women can do non-intrusive domestic movements and breathing exercises. All healthy pregnant women who do not have any risks can exercise, ” she said.
At the end of her statement, “Regular and balanced nutrition is important for strengthening immunity and for a healthy pregnancy during the pandemic period. Pregnant women who have a balanced and regular diet do not need additional supplements. Vitamins and various supplements can be harmful to the pregnant woman and her baby without the doctor’s advice. Frequent consumption of herbal teas, which are thought to be herbal, can lead to premature birth. In order to reduce stress due to staying at home during the pandemic period, no food or drink should be consumed uncontrolled. Avoiding stress during pregnancy, dealing with stress appropriately, not experiencing unnecessary anxiety, knowing that the process is natural and protecting from contamination are the most important practices that can be done in a pandemic ”she said.