EUL Lecturer Yenal gave information about normal and caesarean delivery

European University of Lefke (EUL) School of Health, department of Nursing Lecturer Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kerziban Yenal gave information about normal and caesarean delivery.
Yenal stated that “Pregnancy and birth are natural physiological events that ensure the reproduction of living things and the continuation of their species. During the period from the formation of pregnancy to the birth of the baby, a series of miraculous changes are experienced both in the woman’s body and in the baby in her uterus. During pregnancy, all systems of the woman from the reproductive system to the cardiovascular system change by adapting to pregnancy. The whole body is prepared for normal delivery throughout pregnancy. In normal birth, when the baby is ready to live in the external environment, s/he sends warnings to the mother’s body and allows the normal birth to begin. These signals create rhythmic contractions in the uterus, allowing the closed cervix to open 10 cm. The baby enters this path opened for him/her and comes into the outside world by making very special movements”. Yenal, pointed out that the female body is a wonderfully designed mechanism in terms of reproduction and childbirth, and therefore pregnant women should trust themselves and their babies.
Yenal stated that caesarean delivery was started to be used years ago not as a form of delivery, but as a “rescue operation” that can be used in risky situations for the mother and the baby, and expressed that caesarean delivery is offered to women’s preferences in today’s modern world.
Overcoming the fear of birth of mothers increase the tendency to normal births
Yenal continued her statements as follows; Due to the development of caesarean, anaesthesia and surgical techniques, it has started to be preferred more and more by mothers. Caesarean delivery is an abdominal surgery and carries all the risks that may occur due to surgery and anaesthesia. In normal birth, the birth canal presses on the baby’s chest, allowing the effusion in the lungs to drain and allows the baby to breath easily.
Yenal recommended that “Overcoming the fear of birth, trusting their babies and their bodies will increase the tendency towards normal births. During pregnancy, the mother and her partner can get rid of their negative emotions by preparing for the birth. In order to prepare for the birth, you can benefit from the books prepared for parents, birth preparation classes and online education opportunities. Expectant mothers and fathers can get rid of their fears by preparing for birth from the beginning of pregnancy and turn birth into a pleasant one for mother and baby.” Also, Yenal concluded her speech as follows; “Caesarean delivery is a very valuable operation of vital importance for the mother and the baby, which should be performed when normal delivery is not possible for the mother and the baby. It should be preferred only if there is a medical necessity. If the expectant mother still insists on caesarean delivery despite all the informing, it would be the best to have a caesarean section after the birth itself starts and to respect the baby’s birth time preference.”