EUL Organized an Informative Seminar aimed at Lefke Pioneer Women’s Organization

Information on Osteoporosis was conveyed
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Club affiliated to the European University of Lefke (EUL) Social and Cultural Activities Centre organized an informative seminar on Osteoporosis aimed at Lefke Pioneer Woman’s Organization with the leadership of their Advisor Instructor.
Since osteoporosis fractures are more common in women, 4th grade students of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department made an informative presentation on Osteoporosis in Women’s Health, Preventive Physiotherapy and Exercise at Lefke Pioneer Women’s Association. In the presentation, it was emphasized that osteoporosis (bone resorption) is a metabolic bone disease with decreased bone mass and increased bone fragility, and the students underlined that osteoporosis has become a public health problem because of the incidence of death due to osteoporosis-related fractures and related complications.
In the seminar it was stated that the decrease in bone quality was seen in men and women starts from the age of forty and this decrease is higher in women after menopause. At the end of the seminar presentation, which emphasized that bone formation would be realized not only with nutrition but also with personalized exercise, and exercise habits should be gained from an early age, the Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Club students exercised with women.