EUL Red Crescent Club aims to spread its Community Serving Activities

European University of Lefke (EUL) Red Crescent Club organized a social awareness march with “Let the Goodness be Spread” slogan and a seminar titled “The past and the present of North Cyprus Red Crescent” under the framework of World Red Cross Red Crescent Day.
EUL Red Crescent Club aims to raise awareness of EUL students with social responsibility and to spread service to the community through awareness walks, informative seminars and different projects organized throughout the year.
At the end of the march, red balloons were left in the sky to spread goodness to the world.
Dr. Fazıl Küçük Faculty of Education organized an awareness march with the aims of spreading the philosophy and basic principles of the Red Crescent and Red Crosses, which are the largest humanitarian organizations in the world and explaining the efforts of the Red Crescent and Red Cross associations in helping people in need. At the end of the march which was held with intense participation, red balloons were left in the sky to spread goodness to the world.
The history of the Red Crescent and its current areas of activity were explained to EUL students.
In the seminar titled “The past and the present of North Cyprus Red Crescent” which was held with the participations of President of Northern Cyprus Turkish Red Crescent Bülent Çıraklı, Secretary General of Northern Cyprus Turkish Red Crescent Can Çağrı Çelik and Delegate of Northern Cyprus Turkish Red Crescent Lefke Branch Asst.Prof. Dr. Vedat Çağanağa, the history of the Red Crescent and its current areas of activity were explained to EUL students.