EUL represented at Italy
Fatma Altıntuğ, instructor of European University of Lefke (EUL) Dr. Fazıl Küçük Faculty of Education presented her research titled “In The Need for Dialogic Pedagogy and Deliberative Democracy in Turkey: How Pre-service Teachers Experience Democracy?” conducted jointly with Assist. Prof Dr. Tuba Gökmenoğlu at the conference named “European Conference on Educational Research” which is one of the most important conferences that European Commission organizes every year.
Altıntuğ pointed out that European Conference on Educational Research 2018 was held at Free University based in Italy, Bolzano and added that many different academicians and researchers from different countries of Europe attended the conference.
Altıntuğ pointed out the aim of their research as; examining the pre-service teacher candidates’ experiences and expectations related to rights, law, freedom and responsibility which are the basic parameters of democracy and showing the meaning and importance of democracy education.
Stating that the research was conducted with a survey applied to 129 teacher candidate studying Pre-School teaching at Northern Cyprus, Altıntuğ said that, “Research findings showed that preschool teachers’ expectations about democracy parameters were high. However, the findings revealed that the prospective teachers’ democratic experiences they faced in their daily lives were far below their expectations”.