EUL students had the opportunity to get to know Famagusta’s history and culture

European University of Lefke (EUL) Centre of Social Cultural Activities and Tourism Club organized a trip in order to introduce the tourism in Famagusta. In the trip, students had the opportunity to get to know Famagusta’s history and culture.
Students received information about historical, natural and cultural places
Salamis Ruins, Othello Castle, Lala Mustafa Pasha Mosque and Maras were visited under the framework of trip. The students were informed about the historical, natural and cultural places of Famagusta.
Students had a pleasant time on the trip
Giving information about the trip, Advisour of the Tourism Club Assist. Prof. Dr. Mona Bouzari said that with the field trip it was aimed to improve students’ effective learning, exchange of ideas, personal development and point of views. Bouzari said that “The program provided information about historical and cultural values and provided a pleasant time for the students”.