EUL Students introduced Lefke in their “Let’s Travel and See Lefke” project

They gave the message that you should definitely see Lefke.
European University of Lefke (EUL) Dr. Fazıl Küçük Faculty of Education English Language Teaching Department senior students Anıl Doğan and Pelda Nur Dinç carried out the “Let’s Travel and See the Lefke” project under the leadership of Lecturer Naziyet Mercan Bozok as part of their community service practices project.
Lefke with its historical and natural beauties video was liked
Within the scope of the “Let’s Travel and See Lefke” project, EUL students working with the Lefke Tourism Association had the opportunity to present their projects in the program Tourism in the World and in our Country with the help of the Lefke Tourism Association Vice President Hasan Karlıtaş, on Lefke Haber TV. The students, who prepared a video containing their historical and natural beauties, received the appreciation of the regional tourism sector representatives and volunteers.
Within the scope of the Let’s Travel and See Lefke project, students took videos and photos, giving introductory information about the region within the scope of Lefke, the Ancient City of Soli, Gemikonagi and the European University of Lefke. In this 4-week project, the students of the European University of Lefke gave the message that you should not leave without seeing the history and green of our beautiful Lefke while visiting Cyprus.