EUL students prepared 5 different books for Yedidalga Kindergarten students

“You Give a Book as a Gift”
European University of Lefke (EUL) Dr. Fazıl Küçük Education Faculty Psychological Counseling and Guidance Department students carried out the project “You Give a Book as a Gift”.
EUL students who gave information about the project realized by Nursel Yılmaz, Buse Arslan, Sueda Altun, Ceren Varhan and Gizem Koca Erkek expressed the following; Besides being the first tools that lead children to sense the subtleties of their mother tongue, with the visual and linguistic opportunities they offer starting from the pre-school period, books also have an important function such as instilling a love and habit of reading in children. At the same time, picture books supported with images help students get the most benefit. The importance of children’s picture books in the development of children cannot be ignored. And for this reason, it should be prepared with a special sensitivity. Within the scope of this project, we prepared 5 different books for Yedidalga Kindergarten students. We have prepared this project work, which will be beneficial to students throughout the education period, by touching on different subjects in these books, supporting them with plenty of visuals, planning them in accordance with age groups and learning levels, using images and shapes that they will both love to examine and attract their attention.