European University of Lefke Ranks First in the Nursevivor Competition

The competition titled “Nursevivor – The Game is Waiting for You” which was organized on the occasion of 12-18 May National Nursing Week was held with the participations of Nursing Departments of 6 universities at the Eastern Mediterranean University. Students of European University of Lefke Vocational School of Health Department of Nursing ranked first in the competition.
The first and the third place of the competition is EUL’s
In the competition which included basic nursing applications and survivor games, EUL’s students showed successful performances in the two branches and outdistanced the other universities. The winner of the final where the European University of Lefke and Eastern Mediterranean University competed, was students of European University of Lefke Vocational School of Health Department of Nursing.
Bildik: We believed in ourselves and succeeded
Third year student İlhami Bildik who was the coach of the team in the competition said that “It was a very different competition, we were excited on the way to the other end of the island of Cyprus, we had a really good team spirit. We believed in ourselves and succeeded. Our friends did not leave us, they gave a great tribune support. We would like to thank the Chairperson of our department Prof. Dr. Deniz Şelimen for her supports, and to our instructors and friends.