For back health, balance should be provided throughout the spine all day long

Academician of European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Dr. İpek İkiz made some statements in respect to “Back Health”.
Bone structure (vertebrae), discs and ligaments form the structure of the spine
İkiz stated that the spine has three main roles and listed these roles as; forming the basis of the skeletal system; ensuring the mobility of the body; and protecting the spinal cord by trapping the loads on the marrow and distributing them to the surrounding tissues. İkiz went on to say that bone structure (vertebrae), discs and ligaments form the structure of the spine and added that “The muscles support this structure, while the joints reveal mobility. Nervous system provides control of the body”. Stating that from the side it is seen that the spine is not straight but consists of 4 curvatures, İkiz said that “Physiologically, the purpose of the development of these curves is to contribute to the shock-absorbing effect of the spine by allowing flexibility”.
Conveying information on back problems, İkiz said that problems in the lumbar region can be caused by accident or injury and sometimes by a simple strain. She went on to say that back pain becomes a very uncomfortable problem, accompanied by factors such as long-term driving, bending forward and weight lifting and added that “Providing balance throughout the spine all day long is the key to a back health”. İkiz also expressed that the spine is loaded in a complex manner in sitting and standing positions, and carries the weight of the upper body, working against the gravity of the lumbar region. “The spine is able to meet the loads on it as a pillow and distribute these loads to the surrounding tissues with the help of its physiological curvature”, she said.
İkiz listed the golden rules for protecting the back health as follows;
1. Do not stay still.
2. Keep your waist and back straight.
3. Do not lean forward or squat while picking up something off the ground.
4. Do not lift thigs which are heavy for you.
5. Divide your weights in half and keep them close to your body.
6. Keep your waist straight while sitting and get support from somewhere with your back.
7. Do not keep your knees taut while standing.
8. Bend your legs while reaching out, so your legs are not stretched.
9. Do sports such as free and backstroke swimming, walking and jogging.
10. Perform regular strengthening exercises for your back muscles.
İkiz listed the causes of back problems as follows;
- 1. Difficult living and working habits (Reaching up with a heavy load, working at a very low or very high bench, sitting without support, lifting a distant object)
- 2. Inappropriate beds (Too hard bed leaves the waist area unsupported, too soft bed disrupts the balance in the waist area, increases the waist arch)
- Accidents
- Loss of the flexibility
- Loss of the physical conformity
- Other reasons (Birth-related problems, metabolic problems, infections, tumors, psychosomatic problems, as well as smoking habits and factors that increase stress and pain)
İkiz said that “The important thing about weight lifting, weight carrying and reaching out is not how much you lift and the weight you will carry, but how you do it” and listed the principles of weight lifting as follows; Keep your head upright. Hold the object close to your body and stand up in an upright position. Make sure that the support surface (floor) is balanced. Plan ahead, test before lifting the load. Do not lift the weight quickly and suddenly. Instead of pulling the load, choose to push. If possible, carry the load on the front of the body