Great Leader Atatürk commemorated at EUL

European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Science and Arts and Dr. Fazıl Küçük Faculty of Education organized a commemoration ceremony for marking the death of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of the Turkish Republic on its 81st year. There was also a commemoration ceremony in front of the EUL Atatürk Statue on November 10, Sunday.
In the conference which was held at the Conference Hall of the EUL Faculty of Law, Head of Atatürk Researches Centre and Academician of Eastern Mediterranean University Assist. Prof. Dr. Turgat Bülent Göktürk made a presentation titled “Atatürk in the 1938 Media” and Retired Religious Official and Journalist Mehmet Ali Öz “Mustafa Kemal Atatürk According to Archive Documents”.
Dean of Faculty of Science and Arts Prof. Dr. Saadettin Yıldız who made the opening speech of the conference which started after a moment of silence followed by the National Anthem, pointed out that said that he was very happy to see the enchants fill the hall and went on to say that the documents would be discussed at the conference as a requirement of the information and document era.
The effects of Great Leader’s death on Turkish and World media was presented with examples
In his speech titled “Atatürk in 1938 Media”, Assist. Prof. Dr. Turgat Bülent Göktür presented the effects of Great Leader’s death on Turkish and World media. He summarized what was said after Atatürk’s death, articles written and what foreign state officials and mission chiefs said. He also conveyed both the number of participants in the funeral both inside and outside the country and the foreign diplomats’ emphasis on Ataturk’s great statesmanship from the examined newspapers. He further documented Atatürk’s financial and moral assistance to children with newspaper clippings.
Öz reached many archive documents belonging to the parents of Atatürk
Journalist Mehmet Ali Öz who is also the author of “Atatürk’s Family According to Ottoman Archive Documents” titled book pointed out that he has reached many archive documents belonging to the parents of Atatürk and added that he had come across new documents in the archive about Atatürk and his family and would add them to the new edition of his book
Both participants expressed their gratitude to the students and the authorities for the intense participation in the Atatürk commemoration program. The conference which was held with the participation of the students concluded with the presentation of a certificate of appreciation to the speakers by Dean of Dr. Fazıl Küçük Faculty of Education Dr. Oğuz Karakartal.