Hasan Köroğlu, Head of Strategy Development Department of SDIF gave a conference in EUL

European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Law organized a conference on “SDIF Activities and Practices of Stakeholder Work within the Scope of the Decree Law”. Hasan Köroğlu, President of Strategy Development Department of Savings Deposits Insurance Fund (SDIF), participated as a panel speaker at EUL Faculty of Law Conference Hall.
Köroğlu, who demonstrated his presentation under six chapters; Financial Security Network in Turkey and SDIF, general introduction of SDIF, deposit insurance activities, bank analysis and recovery activities, stakeholder studies carried out under Decree Laws and other important activities.
Köroğlu stated that the financial security network in Turkey is responsible for ensuring the financial stability of the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (BRSA), the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT), the Treasury and the SDIF. The BRSA regulates the BRSA for a strong and sound banking system and that the SDIF is responsible for ensuring the safety of the depositors and protecting their rights. Köroğlu gave detailed information about these institutions, saying that “When the banks are needed, the CBRT is obliged to provide liquidity and the Treasury is obliged to provide public resources when necessary”. .
Köroğlu stated that the functions of the Savings Deposit Insurance Fund (SDIF) are to fulfill its duties within the framework of the powers granted by the Banking Law and other related legislation. Its functions are to safeguard the deposits and participation funds in order to protect the rights and interests of the savings owners, to strengthen the financial institutions in addition to managing the fund banks, restructuring, transferring, consolidation, sale and liquidation of SDIF assets, execution and finalization of ensuing and collecting transactions of SDIF receivables, management of SDIF assets and resources. Köroğlu provided information on the history of the SDIF, its mission, vision and principles, organizational structure, organization, units, functions, human resource structure, revenues and obligation authority.
Köroğlu was presented a plaque and a certificate of appreciation by the Dean of Faculty of Law Prof. Dr. Nuri Erişgin, at the end of the conference.