Historical Night at Lefke Karadağ

In the most crowded concert of Lefke’s history, thousands of people reached the max of entertainment with Teoman’s songs …
One of Turkey’s most beloved singer of rock music, with hundreds of thousands of fans both in Turkey and in our country, met with Lefke under the concert organized by European University of Lefke. The Concert held on Tuesday, May 16th at Lefke 16 Ağustos Kurtuluş Stadium was the biggest concert ever held in and around Lefke.
Teoman, who sang his songs for his fans on a gigantic scene of light and sound system specially prepared for him, met with a big and enthusiastic fan base. Thousands of people attended the concert with the participation of Teoman songs, and a huge concert was performed in Lefke.
Teoman, who sang his beloved songs like “Paramparça”, “Renkli Rüyalar Oteli”, “Senden Önce”, “N’apim Tabiatım Böyle”, “Serseri”, “Gemiler” “Rüzgar Gülü”, “İstanbul’da Son Bahar”, “Uykusuz Her Gece”, “Bana Öyle Bakma”, “Ruhun Sarışın”; fascinated students and rest of the crowd with the spectacular performances displayed at the concert.