In order for individuals to protect nature, they must first know nature and then love nature

European University of Lefke (EUL) Dr. Fazıl Küçük Faculty of Education organized a conference themed “Taşkent Nature Park and Environmental Education”. Assist. Prof. Dr Nazım Kaşot, who is the Director of the Taşkent Nature Park Cyprus Environmental Education Centre and Environmental Education Expert, participated as a speaker at the conference.
In the first part of his presentation, Kaşot explained the establishment journey of Taşkent Nature Park and gave detailed information on the visions and aims of Cyprus Wildlife Research Institute, Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre, Cyprus Sea Creatures Centre, Wildlife Hospital and Research Laboratory, Cyprus Environmental Education Centre and Nature Park Agriculture-Nursery which are associated with Taşkent Nature Park.
Kaşot: Children should spend as much as time possible in the nature
In the second part of his presentation, Kaşot informed prospective teachers about the effects of environmental problems in Cyprus on wildlife and the general environment, suggestions for solutions to these problems, what trainers should do to raise awareness on wildlife issues and the unique wild life of Cyprus. Later on he answered the questions of prospective teachers. He further underlined the importance of knowing and loving the nature in order to protect the nature. Emphasizing the basic philosophy of Cyprus Environmental Education Centre which is nature should be learned in nature, Kaşot stated that children should spend as much time in nature as possible and teachers should plan their teaching activities in this direction.
Kaşot also shared out of classroom learning environments created in the Taşkent Nature Park and shared his experiences with prospective teachers on how these environments can be used in nature education. At the end of this speech, Kaşot pointed out that thanks to the 1190 Wildlife Support Line, they can get help 24/7 from the Taşkent Nature Park if they see injured and needy wild animals and thanked Assist. Prof. Dr. Ferda Kömleksiz and European University of Lefke for their invitations.