“Interdisciplinary Study on Space Perception” themed workshop held at EUL

“Interdisciplinary Study on Space Perception” themed workshop was organized by European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Architecture Department of Graphic Design at EUL. The workshop was moderated by Graphics Designer Hasan Dağ, Head of Graphic Design Department Assist. Prof. Selen Abbasoğlu Ermiyagil, Visual Communication Design Academician Derin Şirvan Işıkören and Designer Doğuş Bodamyalızade.
Ermiyagil: “Within the scope of the workshop study, it was aimed to develop spatial perception alternatives in an interdisciplinary working environment.”
Giving information about the workshop, Ermiyagil said that it is aimed to develop the spatial perception in an interdisciplinary work environment within the scope of the workshop which the students of Graphic Design, Visual Communication Design, Architecture and Interior Architecture participated extensively. Ermiyagil added that, in this context, the building, where the Faculty of Architecture and Communication Sciences is located, is used to work on the subject of finding out ideas on how the interior spaces can be perceived better. Ermiyagil stated that in the first part of the workshop, Graphic Designer Dağ made a presentation about the perception of space, graphical expressions and space in order to perceive the space better, depending on the purpose of his work. Ermiyagil said that in the second part of the workshop carried out by designer teachers, the building where the Faculty of Architecture and Communication Sciences was located, students have developed a design proposal suitable for the theme in the workshop, in the areas defined for the development of the interior design perception.
Ermiyagil said that “The result of the workshop experience is that it is a necessity to organize the spaces as designs that are appropriate for the activities that takes place in these spaces, and that the design has a great influence on the perception. At the same time, the importance of space perception has arisen in order for the spaces to transmit the desired message to the other side,”
Ermiyagil: “One of the most important achievements of the workshop is that students learnt that they can work with designers from different disciplines,”
Ermiyagil pointed out that one of the important achievements that students learnt at the end of the workshop is that students learnt that they can work with designers from different disciplines, what they need to do in perception of space and what they can transfer to others with their design with thinking quickly, to know the value of their own profession, and to what they can do in their profession., Ermiyagil said that at the same time students had the opportunity to become aware of how they perceive the spaces they used in their daily lives, to learn how perception can develop and change with their own designs and to express ideas about how they want their departments to be perceived.