It is important to maintain the ideal body weight for healthy bones throughout life

European University of Lefke (EUL) Faculty of Health Sciences Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department Lecturer Assist. Prof. Dr. İpek İkiz made remarkable statements about Osteoporosis.
“Osteoporosis (bone resorption) is the most common metabolic bone disease that develops as a result of a decrease in bone mass and deterioration in the microarchitecture structure of the bone, which causes an increase in fracture risk and says that the rate of the elderly in the total population has increased in many countries and related osteoporosis and osteoporosis. the risk of associated fractures is also increasingly important
Osteoporosis progresses slowly and silently in the bones, often for years, until a spontaneous fracture without diagnosis occurs.
“Osteoporosis, which is actually a preventable and treatable disease, has become an important economic and social problem today. Osteoporosis, which is frequently encountered in postmenopausal women, is not only a disease seen in women, but also seen in men as the age progresses. It is known that every 3 women and every 5 men over the age of 50 have osteoporosis in the world. ”Twin stated that osteoporosis progresses in the bones slowly and usually for years, quietly until a spontaneous fracture occurs without diagnosis. Twin continues her explanation as follows: “Bone pain due to osteoporosis mostly occurs after fracture occurs. Fractures usually occur spontaneously or with minor trauma. Fractures both increase mortality and cause disability by impairing the quality of life of the person. “The spine bones, thighbone, wrist and heel bones are the bones most susceptible to osteoporosis,” he said.
“When we consider the functions of the bones in our body to support and move, to protect the body and organs from external dangers, to be the body’s mineral storage and to be a depot for matrix proteins, we can understand how important it is to protect our bones,” says İkiz. He stated that there are preventable factors such as chronic inactivity or excessive exercise, excessive weight, malnutrition (especially low calcium intake for life), excessive alcohol intake, excessive fat intake, and depression in addition to the unavoidable factors.
İkiz, “The most important factor in the approach to osteoporosis is the” prevention “of the disease, and she listed the 7-step protective measures for lifelong healthy bones:
- A diet rich in calcium and other beneficial minerals
- Getting enough vitamins
- Protecting the spine in daily life and determining a lifestyle that protects skeletal health
- Regular physical activity and exercise
- Quitting smoking
- Reducing dietary “bone thieves” such as alcohol, sugar, salt, caffeine, fat and acidic foods
- Maintaining and keeping ideal body weight
Drawing attention to the necessity of strict implementation of the above-mentioned lifestyle changes in patients diagnosed with osteoporosis, İkiz stated that treatment can be provided with the drugs that reduce bone loss and provide bone formation, and finally, to prevent the risk of falling inside or outside the patient’s home. also recommended that necessary measures be taken.