“Lefke International Arts Workshop” carried out with the sponsorship of EUL

Arts Workshop carried out with the sponsorship of European University of Lefke (EUL) that took place at Lefke. M. Fahri Sever and Ergun Taşkın were the coordinators of the workshop where 16 artists participated. Works produced at the arts workshop which took place at Lefke Gardens Hotel’s met with art lovers at the 8th Date Palm Festival. The works made by famous painters and sculptors attracted great interest in and around Lefke. After the workshop, there was a dinner given in honor of the artists at EUL Lounge.
“Lefke Tourism Association President and Board members paid visit of appreciation to Yükselen”
Lefke Tourism Association President and Board members paid a visit to the Rector of EUL, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Yükselen after the workshop at his office and thanked Yükselen for his corporations and support.